before fibro hit i slept 8 hours every night and noe i cant even drop off to sleep is it part of the illness xx
why dont we sleep: before fibro hit i... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
why dont we sleep

Hi Rosehip,
I'm sure it is part of the illness. I personally think it's a mixture of several factors apart from the obvious discomfort.
We don't manage to get sufficient healthy exercise because of our pain, we get bored because we are unable to carry out our usual activities, and there is always a suppressed anger, frustration and depression associated with chronic illness. All these things add up to a pretty good recipe for lack of sleep!
The answer? I wish I knew - but I guess it's a very individual thing.
From my experience, I sleep better if I manage to walk in the fresh air each day, even if it's for a short while. Having an absorbing hobby is good, as it takes my mind off my discomfort and if I'm in company I can have a laugh which is definitely a very good medicine!
Anything which can take you out of your own mind set for a while will help, and I know this is difficult when you are in constant pain, but it can be managed.
It seems to me that most fibro sufferers have lost the ability to be self-indulgent ... I don't think this is unrelated to the fact that we are predominantly female. Women are taught from the cradle to put others first. Seeking pleasure, comfort and entertainment is vital for human well being, so take every opportunity you can to have gentle fun - even if it's just sitting in the park watching the squirrels!
That's my particular little treat, and I indulged myself in a good camera so that I can snap them. I also meet a lot of nice people to talk to when I'm hobbling around the park, and that cheers me up no end.
Sometimes I need to have a good moan, but I try to do it in writing, on this site, or to someone who's actually paid to care, like medical professionals. I know it sounds hard, but very few people really want to listen, and there's a risk of losing good social interactions if one is seen as negative.
I found this out the hard way, was called a 'moaner' and decided to try very hard to find more positive themes to my life - and to some extent I have succeeded.
I now manage to sleep reasonably well for 5 - 6 hours each night, and sometimes manage a nap in the afternoon, so I feel I'm doing really well.
I am certain that for me the improvement in my mental outlook has been the key to better sleep, plus the increased physical activity that I can undertake now that I get some decent rest.
I have had fibro a long time now, and experience does help you to manage your particular problems. I do hope these meanderings of mine will help a little bit.
Best wishes and luv ... Moffy
It's part the the illness I am afraid, it's like you go to
Bed and you are very tired and think lovely I'm going
To have a good night sleep and it's then like a switch
Turning on in your brain which says no your not
I used to sleep 8 hours as well but for a long time before
I got the pain I used to be awake for hours and at most
I only got one or two hours , the professionals seem to
Think that lack of sleep triggers fibro, I don't know.
Now a days I take some thing to help me sleep but that
Does not always work either, so I sit down stairs with a
Drink a book and my lap top until I can't keep awake then
Go to bed not good if you ate at work, but two hours are
Better than none, I also find that when I can't sleep
Which like most of us is often I have this irritable bladder
Where I have to keep going to the toilet it's not a UTI as
There is no pain Oh the bliss of this horrid fibro
The thing is no sleep more pain the bliss of fibro, I must
Agree with. Rosehip go for a walk no matter how short
It realy does help also don't eat to much in a evening
And don't do the computer to much during an evening
Try not to get to stressed about things walk away if
Things are getting to you not easy I know but you just
Have to for your own health
I used to be able to sleep for Scotland, lol! Not now though. Last night I was still awake at 2.45am. On the very odd occasion when I do sleep for 7-8 hours, I never feel refreshed afterwards in the morning.
I think it's got something to do with the lack of Serotonin, but I'm not sure. Maybe someone can confirm this?
Brilliant post Moffy and I completely agree with you! Even a simple activity like walking around the garden, sitting in a chair outside or better still a little walk can make all the difference regarding rest periods and sleep.
I have always been an insomniac who needed very little sleep. On 3 hours sleep I could still stay up ridiculously late and get up at 6am feeling fine. Since having Fibro I need more rest and definitely more sleep so that I can manage my pain better. I still have problems falling asleep, but hubby bought me a Kindle and I find that taking that to bed and reading helps me to drop off. I manage about 4 hours sleep now on average which is good for me. Sometimes I even manage a nap in a comfy chair during the day.
If we find sleeping difficult, we need to check we are getting adequate pain relief (speak to your Doctor about this), and also that we are sufficiently rested before we try to get to sleep. If we are in a lot of pain, our legs are restless etc., this isn't conducive to getting good quality sleep. Try reading, listening to soft relaxing music, a relaxation CD maybe, anything that will help you to unwind and get ready for sleep.
I think one of the main things that I have noticed with having Fibro is that everything requires more thought than it did before. It is possible to retrain the way we think.
I though it was because we don't get that deep sleep, that is the sleep that repairs the body and this is why we can try to sleep for hours but still feel tired. Think it is called rem sleep !