Crying over a decade of hurt. - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Crying over a decade of hurt.

6 Replies

Im fed up with the pain and the stress and then on top i have to cope with no money,and then my ex decides to hurt me every chance he gets.

We were married for eightern years it was turbelent controlling,he hit me on a regular basis.o went into a refuge.went back long story.he lied cheated,ws a crap dad and husband.

I raised my kids up,untill o divorced last year.

Now hes bitter twisted.the kids live with him not me.god knows why?

They adore me but are closer to friends

and family there.

He text me saying enjoy being with your fella now you havent got the kids.

He said i was a crap mom.

The justice system is a joke.i have no faith in it.

Im thinking of leaving for wales has dont have much fight left in me now.

He blocks my access at every attempt.

Sorry dnt need,this on top of this damn illness x

6 Replies
Butterfly54 profile image

Oh Sammy I`m so sorry to read what you are going through.Your right you don`t need this and as we know sttess makes it worse.

You know in your heart you are not a crap Mum,the kids are where they are because of friends and family,not him.

And you know they adore you,don`t give up the fight hun,it will be so worth it in the end,but I really appreciate it is hard.

My thoughts are with you.

Love and hugs Butterfly54xxxxx

bobajob profile image

hi sammy,wow what an outright bas###d this man hit or beat a woman he is not a man i have been married for twenty three years never put a finger on my wife so why do the kids live with him won't be long before he hits need help go see a solictor one that deals in child law if you can you be a bad mam you give birth to them mam is best to any child gives lots of love to them..they must miss mam ..this bloke is no good keeping your kids away from you..i hope you get help soon and show this git how wrong he is

best whises to you

bob xx

Sammicat15 profile image

oh you poor love Sammy. you know the truth of things. cling to that. I hope your kids soon realise what they're missing by not seeing you. I have a friend who went through something similar and I know it crucified her. She and her now-grown kids have a fabulous relationship now. So please know that things can change. Don't give up on your family. Write them letters and keep ringing. The message will be clear and the truth will come out one day.

Hugs xx

Hi bob,sammicat, so sorry to moan just felt down.

I do have,a lawyer bob went to cour.daughtet choose him.son choose me and then hit me one day so i told him to go.he went and havent seen him since.

My last custody hearing the judge was a areshole excuse lsunguage and threw it out saying i wasted his time.

I adore my kids and do write upto 3 times a week.i text,ring.

But ex listens and controls.he beat me 2 when i was pregnant with botb kids.police reports.

Yet system let me down.

We are moving away but will stay in contact with my kids.thanks lots hugs xx

Don't judge me until you know the full story.

My son went back to live with his father because he couldn't live by a simple set of rules and boundaries, he's 14 now so can vote with his feet, but since going back to him his school grades have dropped and he's been in trouble with the police too, that's my ex's doing and not mine.

My daughter obviously loves her dad for some reason, and the reason she stays with him is because her old friends parents are still friends with my ex and that really is the main reason she is still with him, if she was with me, she couldn't see her friends, because her friends parents took his side.

I can understand why, its because they live in a small community and their scared of being ostracised by my ex's family, who act like the Mafia, yet really their just scum.

Even if I went back to court for my daughter, she would still want to stay with her father because of the friends and because my ex has threatened suicide before if I ever took her off him, he even said it in front of her once, that's how sick and twisted he is.

There is no point in fighting for someone, who doesn't want fighting for.

When the children are old enough to see through his lies, then they are welcome to come and knock on my door, it will always be open for them.

teresa-67 profile image

hey sammy,

can i just say you are a brave lady for making the steps you have done , the hardest leaving your kids to a controling man for which you are doing what seems right for them i admire your stregnth and yes one day they will knock at your door sweetheart and understand your decissions, how can anyone judge 1. we do not know you personally and dare anyone judge nobody should have to go through any type of abuse physical or mentally , i am so please d you have a good man in your life that makes you happy and you can trust , you look after youself sweetheart and take one day at a time one step at a time, xxxx take care and gentle hugs xx

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