IF ONE MORE COMPANY CALLS !!!!!!! - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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5 Replies

Since i am home alot now i obviously hear my house phone ring and it sometimes goes constantly from 9 am through to 9 pm and no one ever leaves a message , and it is always kitchen/double glazing/debt management/pip/creditcard /fuel companies you name it they call i dont normally ansewer but some days if i a in that sort of mood i do

lst week a man said hello i am from the postcode lottery etc etc oh i said i have not got a postcde! oh you must have one evryone has one no i said no postcode here just the farm !!! no no he said everyone has one no it has been in my family for generations it is just the farm everyone knows it oh he said i got him so confused he could not wait to go .

another time a fuel company called would i like to change to their company i said no point they said well you must have gas and electric i said no no such fuel here we have coal all coal here and they could not get off the phone quick enough lol

love to you all diddle xxxx

5 Replies
beth2 profile image

hi diddle I know what you mean on monday I had 3 calls within an hour about ppi they dont take no for an answer has your new dinning table come yet hope you are feeling o.k take care love beth xx

westgate profile image

have you registered with the telephone preference service (TPS) also the MPS (mail pref serv) this will stop (not immediately) unwamted calls / mail etc.


in reply to westgate

I registered with them a few years ago - and nothing stopped. I kept ringing them and they absolutely insisted I was NOT getting these cold callers!



Carol xx

soulsusie profile image

Hi Diddle I answer and say exscuseme a minute and after a few minutes they ring off soon getting the message, these cold calls are really invasive.


Sue x x x

Lioslaith profile image

I let the answering machine kick in on any withheld, unknown, international. I am a lot less stressed now I'm not getting all these blasted cold calls. If I am expecting a call so I have to answer all calls so I don't miss the one I am waiting for I fib and say I'm a neighbour waiting in for a delivery or repairman.

A lot less stressful now.

If I get one when my Dad picks up,he tends to pick up all calls despite being told to leave it alone and then generally it is passed to either me or my Mum. Last time that happened he handed me the phone and I 'accidentally on purpose' hit the end button when he passed the phone over.

I'm a lot less annoyed now that I screen all calls. If it is someone wanting to get ahold of anyone the answering machine is there for a reason. If it's important they can leave a message, or phone back, I don't particularly care.

I've registered through BT for my Mum to stop these calls, even registered directly with the company that stops these calls, but still they persist. If we are lucky we get a few days of relative peace after registering - I've registered more times that I can count - and then it's back to normal. Now I'm getting these calls on my Mobile,or rather my Dad and Mum are. I only put my mobile on when I'm out and about by myself as I'm generally with my Mum and her mobile is on all the time.

We call them nuisance calls. Cause that's what they are. When my brother is in France like now we have a signal as the number shows up Unknown or International when he phones us. To avoid missing his call, he phones lets it ring a couple of times, hangs up and immediately phones back.

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