Fibromyalgia Action UK

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13 Replies


13 Replies

any idea what time he's on ?

dottiedog profile image

has he been on? just switch tv on now and there in the kitchen!

xxx dottiedog

Lima6MCT profile image

Every time I see him I have this overwhelming desire to slap the smug b*****d across both his faces!!!

in reply to Lima6MCT

lally had a great photo of Cameron on FB... he was morphed into Hitler !

Very apt !


I must have missed it , put it on and they didn't mention it so guess he must have been on earlier.

Of course we're not supposed to watch TV are we, ATOS deduct points for that lol


lollypop profile image

since d.camerons son died he is taking it out on disabled people i think!i wish lib.dems would say they are pulling out so to have a new election!i know any of them promise stuff &lie but he is a tos..r!

You'd think , with first hand experience of a disabled child , he'd have a bit more compassion . Apparently not .

Suicide rates are rising amongst those turned down for DLA and ESA , homelessness in the under 25's is already a big problem in this country . The tory's sold off our social housing stock last time they were in power.

He's whipping people up to fight against each other . The working versus the unemployed and disabled . It just reminds me of Nazi Germany . It's quite scary .

dottiedog profile image

Do you think that this is an infrinigement of our HUMAN RIGHTS!???

soft hugs xxx dottiedog

I married at 18 worked hard to save finally got our own home at 29, my hubby worked 7 days a week I gave up work to have children through neccesity really , we paid a large deposit on our home and got an endowment mortgage, well that didnt pay off as promised, so 7 yrs ago we had to change or carry on paying the mortgage and still owe then £10,000 at the end of it, endowment was worthless, now for pensions, we paid into pensions and insurance which we had to cash in when I became ill, just to live, cashing them in we were then taxed on them, when my hubby was ill, he was on the sick for 2 weeks before he was called for a medical, so his gp signed him off , so then jas, which we never got money from as he d finished work himself, he s worked since he was 12

So now own business, so he can still look after me and work when he can, still looking after our 3 eldest who cant get on the property ladder even though theyve gone to colleges unis, and worked from the age of 16 , that man is a joke , my photo of him on facebook is very funny

Lioslaith profile image

I feel the overwhelming need for violence whenever I see Cameron's face. He always seems to have a smug smile on his face which I ache to slap off. Hard!!

I'm not a violent person so I find this very disturbing so I tend not to look at his pictures and switch channels whenever I see him. I'd rather do a read up/catch up afterwards to find out it anything interesting ... or remotely resembling the truth ... has been mentioned.

I worked full time from 16, was employed for 12 years by the same company before being medically retired, now I'm looked at like some-one who is a cheating liar. Never mind the years and years of contributions I made into the system that I'm being accused of stealing from!! So infuriating.

Cameron and Idiot Duncan Smith, two men capable of raising my blood pressure before they open their mouths. Wanting to commit homicide against them once they utter a word because I know it's going to be an out right self serving lie.

hulya profile image

All the Ministers MPs are corrupting via the schemes projects and aids to the poor countries.

Ministers trying to divert attention away from the real cheats (that's themselves.) that's the reason accusing vulnerable people to shut them up!!

The law is twisted trapped Including all the complaint procedures, to cower up. to protect the people who makes good amount of donations to the winning parties. These are Dentists, Opticians, Solicitors. Power companies(The people on income support are forced threatened to pay hundreds of pounds to those ones, hence everything is free for them.

Warm front has been created trapped to cheat vulnerable people who are on income support. Terms and conditions written by DECC. they are cheating on money, forcing threatening people to pay hundreds of pounds.

the central heating and labour which damages the houses is cheap of cheapest quality, does not exist even in the 5th countries!!!. they cancel the application if they cant get money!! All the ministers are cheating on money

David Cameron is a big cheat himself trying to divert attention away from themselves to cower up!!!!

There is a plan to let only aggressive predators to survive, like in the jungle..

clay63 profile image

As I have said before this lot of sh*** are covering there assess. I am sure that like one of the comments, If they could build camps and herd the disabled, old age, and the poor and strip them of the rest of theyer dignity, and gas us all like they done with the Jews in the 2nd world war. This was a country that was one of the best in the world, but look at it now I am not predigest but they cant catch the ones that should not be here, and have let far to many in, they blame everyone else bar them who let it happen.

Tupney profile image

I agree with all of the above comment's. I think If Cameron could he would, Redirect HS 2 and put all us sick.old,poor n disabled on it then push the button himself to have us removed to the mercy of Merkle nd the world war II camps. What a disgrace after what our Ancestors fought to stop, The perfect Race.

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