going with my mum for her results for... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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going with my mum for her results for cancer 2morrow x

sparkydawl34 profile image
30 Replies

im worried sick about this and scared of what they going to tell us, i know if it comes back that she has cancer then shes going to need all of us to be strong for her, just thinking about all this is making me feel really low and i dont know what to do to help her x

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sparkydawl34 profile image
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30 Replies

just be there remember that if it is positiveshe will traumatisedand in perhaps go into a stateratherlike grief she get snappy or withdraw just be there dont fuss just bethere. my thoughts go out toyou and your mom.

sorry my space bar is going on strike because it has to work for me during the olympics petal

sparkydawl34 profile image
sparkydawl34 in reply to

MY space bar does that also lol, I'm the one my mum relys on all the time the only good thing is my mum has fibro also so she knows what it does to you, I love her millions and praying that it comes back negative, ill let you know how she gets on x

please do and link with me under fadedblossom saying who you are if you feel you just need to talk because you have to petal

sparkydawl34 profile image
sparkydawl34 in reply to

tyvm fadeblossom, we go at 3.30 today so fingers crossed x

jayjay profile image


Just try to stay positive and just be supportive, my heart goes out to you and i shall say a little prayer for your mum, i hope you get good news,

sending you both loadsa love and big gentle hugs xxxxx jackie x

sparkydawl34 profile image
sparkydawl34 in reply to jayjay

tyvm jayjay gentle hugs back at you xx

aww lv,im so sorry for ur mum,u and family.like many i no exactly how your feeling,theres nothing else you can do but be strong for her but to do that lv you have to be strong for youfself 1st.we all are thinking of you,your mum and family,lv and loads of fluffy soft hugs to you and your mum,fm me xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

sparkydawl34 profile image
sparkydawl34 in reply to

ty gerisly, she knows im there for her no matter what she goes through, soft hugs back too you xx

Bless you i feel so sorry for you but glad youare able to be there and support her when she needs you . i do hope it is not as bad as perhaps you may be thinking lets all pray for you . please try to kep strong as that will help your mum no end even though you are crumbling inside and ask lots of questions too perhaps write a few things down so you come out of there knowing everything

willbe thinking of you good luck love diddle xxx

p.s and we moan when we go a bit of pain that puts it all in perspective where you are going today doesnt it bless you and your mum xxxx

sparkydawl34 profile image
sparkydawl34 in reply to

got a whole load of questions all set out to ask just incase, but fingers crossed i wont need to and ty diddle for all your kind words xx

chilli50 profile image

Hi sparky.

Bless u sweetheart. I know just how you feel. A couple of months ago my big sis was diagnosed with having a very rare cancer in her neck. 3 weeks ago we found out it had spread. Nobody knows the prognosis yet and it horrible! Especially for her. The only thing you can do is be there to listen and do all the little jobs that seem to get lost.

You are right in that you need to be strong for her. A diagnosis of cancer is a devastating thing but it can bring you much closer, even if you dont think thats possible, so it does have a positive side (if that makes sense. Mr fibor fog decided to visit).

Please message me if you want to talk ok? Im always checking the site so it will not be too long before you receive a reply.

If i havent read your blog right then please forgive me but it might be good news. And god i hope it is!

My thoughts and prayers are with you sweetheart. Please let us know how your mum and you are

Love and gentle huggles

Chilli xxx

chilli50 profile image

Ivd just read what time you blogged. Is it today sweetheart? Whenever it is, imagine me beside you holding your hand. You can draw any strength you need from me in order to be strong for your mum.

I forgot to say that both my mum and dad had heart attacks just before xmas. My mum was woken up by it at 6am and the dozy woman decided she was going to clean the flat from top to bottom before she rang for an ambulance! 5 hours later!

Im not sure that even now she realises she could have died in her sleep.

I felt ( and feel) exactly as you do now. I was absolutely frantic with worry. The concern for my mum has eased slightly but she ahs so many other health issues that i can never relax.

Im sorry if ive rambled on. Im trying to say that you do find strength from somewhere ( i dont know where tho). Im not exactly a believer in God but if the strength isnt already deep within you then it must come from outside. You will find it if and when you need it sweetheart. Im not saying things will be easy if its bad news but it might not be and thats what you need to hold on to. We as humans are practiced at imagining the worst but try not to sweetheart, ok? I know you dont know me but i promise ill be there holding your hand.

Thats the fantastic thing about this site. Fibro might have brought us together but i bet you didnt for a minute imagine that you would find so many friends as you hav on here. Whatever the outcome we are all here for you ok?

Strength, love and prayers go with you

Chilli xxx

chilli50 profile image

Im sorry, its me again.

Could i ask what made your mum go to the doctors in the first place?

Chilli xxx

sparkydawl34 profile image
sparkydawl34 in reply to chilli50

ty chilli i will go in there today knowing that me and my mum have the support of all yous behind us, her appointment is for 3.30 today.

my sister moved back into my mums to help look after as she has rheumatoid athritis and fibro, my sister caught my mum throwing out a pair of pyjama bottoms that had blood on them my mum had a hystorectamy when she was in her 20s so she shouldnt be bleeding at all down there, it turns out this has been going on for nearly a year and she hasnt said anything to any of us about it, the doctor took 7 bottles of blood from her and thats the results we get back today and she has the gyn clinic on wednesday, i was so angry with her at first as she was the very same 1 that went crazy when she found out my gran had been hiding a lump on her breast and ended up it was breast cancer, and now she has done the exact same thing to us xx gentle hugs xx

sparkydawl34 profile image
sparkydawl34 in reply to chilli50

tyvm for all your support chilli,her appointments for half three today ill go in there today knowing that u r all behind us giving us strength, my mum had a historectamy when she was in her 20s and we just found out she has been bleeding for nearly a year, so we made her go to docs, i hope the prognosis for ur sister isnt as bad as yous all might think it is my thoughts are with you and your family also, lots of love nad gentle hugs sent your way xx

I do hope things turn out well, I remember when I too thought "it had returned", however it was mister fibro that was causing me the pain and unbearable fatigue.

And although its not nice the fm, I know it is a much better diagnosis than the C returning so will say a small prayer today and light a candle in the hospital chapel where I now support others in their journey with cancer.

thoughts are with you today from all of us your fm family


sparkydawl34 profile image
sparkydawl34 in reply to

ty nanna for all your kin words and thoughts xx

all I can do is send you lots of love to you both, I hope things go ok

sparkydawl34 profile image
sparkydawl34 in reply to

tyvm lally gentle hugs xx

eirwen profile image

love & prayers sent to you xxxxx

sparkydawl34 profile image
sparkydawl34 in reply to eirwen

tyvm eirwin hugs xx

sparkydawl34 profile image

would just like to say tyvm to everyone for their kind thoughts and words, its good to know that there are so many ppl out there thats willing to listen to me and ppl like me. as soon as i know anything i will let yous know, soft hugs sent to everyone xx

Vicki1 profile image

Hi Sparky,

Just wanted to wish you and your Mum all the best for your appointment at 3.30 today. I've had cancer in the past (before I had fibro) it's always at the back of your mind whether it will come back or not. Hopefully the bleeding is for a different reason (cysts or polyps) which can be treated easily. My sister has just been through a similar thing to your Mum, hers turned out to be a polyp which was a great relief because like you we thought her cancer had come back....

Sending good luck wishes and fluffy hugs xx

sparkydawl34 profile image
sparkydawl34 in reply to Vicki1

tyvm finlay, im glad things were ok with your mum its just a constant worry we were same with my gran and grandad sending hugs back at you xx

fifty profile image

its a good job your mum has you you sound a lovely person good luck to you both xxxx

fifty profile image

trust diddle to come to the rescue she is a lovely person xxxx

sparkydawl34 profile image
sparkydawl34 in reply to fifty

ty fifty, i love her to the moon and back and would do anything for her, yeah i see a lot of posts from diddle and she always has the nicest things to say even though shes suffering herself xx

gentle hugs xx

shopaholic profile image

thinkin of u.......cancer is such a terrible thing...jus do ur best 2 b there 4 her no matter what....thats wot i did wen my mum told us(my mum had had it 4 a year b4 she told us)sadly ive lost her now....i didnt go 2 work or anything "normal" i jus wanted 2 b with her,,hope its not bad news but cherish every moment with ur mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxhugs xxxxxxxxxxp.s think the shock and upset was wot triggerd my fibro

lynnybear profile image

hi i do hope her tests are negative for cancer can u plz tell us how ur mom got on very gentle hugs lynnybear xxxxx

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