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A warm hello all my fellow fms sufferers The dreaded Brown Envelope arrived this morning.

KatiMaiTay profile image
13 Replies

I picked the brown envelope from my mat at 8.30am this morning on taking a deep breath and with my hands shaking I opened it!!!! Guess What? .....I have been put in the W.R.A.Group apparantly I will still recieve my full benefit as long as I attend the face to face interviews when the powers that be request my presence. also they will write to me with regards to me having to see another medical professional???? the letter also stated that the money I recieve will not be increased when the benefit gets an annual increase. I am still in shock as when I attended my ESA assessment I was having an horrific flare up as I mentioned in my blog( ATOS SHAM ) earlier this week!!!My gut instinct about the ATOS Doctor was acurate, I am so confussed as to what to do next? Can anyone give me some sound advice please....? Ps also Is this likely to have an effect on wether I still will recieve my DLA payment or not? Gentle Hugs To you all.xxxx

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13 Replies
willowmuse profile image

Oh Hun, I am sorry the outcome was not good, i dont really have any advice hun, i hope someone comes along soon who may know some things that may help you, just wanted to give a big hug, the system stinks and so does Atos!! xxx


I see that you have the fibro not sleeping how hateful it is

I expect the worry of this is making your fibro worse.

I can't help you with this one I am afraid I just wanted to wish you

Luck and say hello try not to get to stressed as there is always an

Answer to things. You just can't see one at the moment some one

Will know

Good luck and I hope you get the help that you need it's a bloody

Thing firstly people think there is nothing wrong with you even some

Friends and people you work with think we have a problem in our heads

And the pain is not real, your doctor does not have enough information

So it's an up hill struggle and you are never sure if he just think its in

Your head as well he smiles at you says a few things that does not

Really help gives you your medication and says bye. But you know

I think they think the same that's it's not life threatening go and live

With it.

And then you have this problem with a medical what a worry for you as

Well but there are a lot of people who care and will help you

Love viv

at thistimeof the night or rather morning things always seem worse than they are. try not to stress somone on here willhelp somehow they always do. the wind is savage outside tonight and i know the cold wet will affect us all so stay wrapped up butterfly hugz petal

Well love, I appealed when the same thing happened to me, but no word yet, I was disgusted too because I really think and feel that I am not a well person, and not able for work, but my money was decreased, about £40, a fortnight, a lot for me, just mulling over all my choices at the minute and sometimes I feel I really need to be off somewhere by myself, but I love my (grown) children too much. xxxx

You know what I think of all the Esa and Dla medical examiners, not printable xx

spikey9222 profile image

Hi. I got my brown letter a few weeks before Christmas and was told I had been put into a work related activity group ( I had no idear what this ment I thought I would be in a group related activity ). I was wrong it just ment I had to speak to an advisor at the job centre. My appointment was on the 9th of Jan. I went down as asked had a chat was told I didn't really need to do anything and that she would phone me in a month to see how I was getting on ( I have not had the call yet ) so I won't complain the longer they leave me alone the better as far as I'm concerned. I was also told in my letter that I might not get a pay rise however I have had 2 sInce then 1 because I was not on the right amount and 1 in April. I hope this helps you. Good luck.

jue2829 profile image

i was put in the WRAG last year, after having 5 of these meeting with my advisor he even says i not fit for work and shouldnt be in this group, and said the next meeting will be by phone, at these meetings he justs ask how i am, i have never been asked if i have a cv or what job i would be looking at getting, and they cannot make you go for interviews or interfere with your medical treatment, abit of a waste of time for the likes of us really, you can appeal and ask for your medical report from the atos meeting and good look xx

Hilly profile image

Hi your ESA has nothing to do with your DLA so don't worry about that. You can ask for a re consideration of your ESA if you think you should be in the support group, I did and on the second time of asking I was put in the support from the WRAG group, good luck Hilly xx

Lima6MCT profile image

Apparently the DWP have been using results from ESA assessments to change DLA where the ESA assessment is at odds with your DLA rate. Eg if you are getting HRM but have been assessed as being able to walk without severe pain discomfort and/or for a longer distance than you would to be eligible for HRM then they are looking again at your DLA.

However I haven't so far seen anyone mention it working the other way if you're assessed as being worse than your current DLA rate says you are.

They can also, apparently, take your ESA assessment into account if you subsequently apply for DLA.

ginge profile image

lima what is HRM....there are that many initials on here i dont know what half of are.....lol

ginge profile image

amswer to the top leter..........i also have just been told on the fone that i am in the work related group, i foned cause i had no leter and am going away on sunday to see my family for a month......she snapped at me when i said i would b away fpor a month and said well i hope yr not going out of the country....no idea why she said that, i put the dates on the form when im not available.......i have rang them again and got someone else and he said to right and send any evidence and say why you think you shud b in the surport group....i have done a letter, my gp has done yet another one, my carer and my daughter have also done me one.....i will be posting it next wk......not slept a wink for 4 days fatigue sliped in and my arms and legs i want to just cut off......they want blood.........no peice..i also get d.l.a. and been told thats its something totaly and nothing to do with e.s.a...i am now worrying in case a leter comes from them saying theve refused me, or the job center rings me to go down, and im 300 miles away..........sick of it. and peice..hugs julie xx

suz134 profile image

Hiya i full understand i lost the medical for DLA and because of this they are allowed to use this information on my DLA so failed that as well i have fibro n many other problems there is no chance i can work so they r havin a laugh. So i have a solicitior fightin my case now as it all got to much for me as my 9 yr old is now showin the similar signs so that is now my mum, me n my son who have it. xxxxxx

suz134 profile image

Sori it was ment to say i lost my DlA n because i am fightin that i failed my ESA medical as they r using both medicals for each others claim so was not happy. xx

KatiMaiTay profile image

Thanks for commenting on my blogg suz134 2 of my sisters and my niece are also FMS Sufferers and we believe our mother sufferered from the syndrome as well!!!! Gentle HugsXXXX

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