12.30 in the morning and wide awake .. not what I need. only been on it a week so I hope it calms down lol
Having spent the last 2 months sleeping almost constantly it is nice to be awake, I had gotten to a point where the aches and pains had reduced somewhat ... bad news as I'm not sleeping as much so moving more (not a lot, just moving as I'm awake) the pain and breathing shallow has come right back, cant win. I was getting quite confused because I was in a different condition than normal but I really glad to have found that complete rest can reduce the pain a litttle and that minimal activity can bring it right back, I also know from experiance that a day of activity like a day out or shopping for food really adds to the exhaustion and pain. Now just how am I supposed to put that point across the the DWP with this ESA thing .. "I'll be fit for work so long as I can sleep all day" !!! somehow I dont think that'll work.
Goodnight peeps, I'm goint to try to sleep now .. mmmmm !