why are people saying we are making this up? and saying we are diagnoised with this coz we are mentally unstable in some way or another?
why don't they believe us?: why are... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
why don't they believe us?
its really weird you say this my doctor said would i consider conigtive pain therepy? so i said yeah il give anything a go if its going to help! i recieved a letter yesterday from a time to talk???? ......councilling! omg ! i dont need this ! so i now feel paranoid likje you say that he thinks im mental unbalanced or something!!
I'm sorry you feel like this. My Dr has been brilliant but I was fobbed off at the start. When I was in hospital, they originally diagnosed an anxiety attack...it was 3 weeks before I saw a stroke specialist and so the damage is permanent because all the Dr heard was the medication I was on and then assumed things. He did not listen, and told me I was exaggerating. So I understand your frustration.
I am having CBT for OCD and never once has my therapist said she can help with the fibro. She has said the CBT may help me come to terms with the diagnosis but she can't do anything to help the fibro because it's not a mental condition!
Thank you both..... This is what a a Fybro sufferer was told by a DLA doctor!!!! maybe they need to get some specialists working for the DWP instead of the chaps that just want the money and stay on contract with them.Sometimes I feel it's because they have done their quota for the year!!!
I know its rubbish..... The fMRI has found finding to prove that Fibromyalgia patients feel more pain compared to healthy individuals from the same stimuli. They show on brain scan (fMRI) specialised one.... that the brain activity is different and the parts of the brain that amplify pain have bigger areas than others ...so soon they will have to agree that it's a neurological illness and the medical scan copies show physical evidence of FMS. then they will have to look at it more seriously.... until then battle on and keep trying, it takes ages and everything but i got DLA in the end.....we deserve it and we shouldn't have to fight ... xx
It can be very difficult to convince even medical professionals about how we are feeling and how debilitating having Fibro can be. I am very fortunate I have a wonderful GP who is sympathetic to Fibromyalgia and CFS/ME too. However it took me two attempts to get a Consultant Rheumatologist who understood how ill I was feeling three years ago. I had to be "released" from my then Consultant and had to "apply" to another Consultant I was recommended by a Fibro friend, it took months to arrange and confirm. It was worth it as I now have a Rheumatologist who fully understands Fibro and who diagnosed me and gave me the correct medications to help me manage my pain and exhaustion better. I also have CFS/ME. I would suggest to anyone here that if you aren't happy with the care you are receiving from either your GP or your Consultant, either ask for a second opinion or try to do what I did and see someone else. It seems sometimes that no two medical professionals think the same about Fibro, some don't seem to believe it exists whilst others are sympathetic and helpful. It's a case of shopping around unfortunately . . . not always easy when you feel ill I know. We deserve a proper hearing and correct supportive treatment too. This is why raising awareness for Fibromyalgia is so important to get people to understand this condition is real, the pain is real etc. This lovely forum enables us to help and support each other which is so helpful, we are not alone here. Take care everyone!
Hi All
I see a really nice FM specialist at Sevenaoks Hospital, why do they no ask him to work for DWP, he understand it, he makes you feel human gain.