Hello, just been informed that pip won't renew because we won appeal but that they will get in touch 14 weeks when award ends so that we can apply for a in payment advanced claim, does anyone know what this means? because it just seems to me like it's another slap in the face cause we won at appeal or am I just being paranoid?
Won pip appeal but they don't review ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Won pip appeal but they don't review your claim as award ends?!

Hi ajay, we won appeal last October 2018 and got all payment backdated,award end date is January 2020 and apparently they are not reviewing won appeals? Instead you have to ask for a in payment advanced claim but I don't know what it is,is it a completely new claim form as in renewal(big forms) which is not fair to be penalized for winning appeal cos reviews are only a couple of questions why should we have to fill in the long one again. I was hoping on here that someone might have gone through this before me and can advise me.
Thanks for your reply and understanding, I wouldn't know how to get in touch with release the magic as I don't post normally and don't know how to find other members
Hi ajay I must be doing something wrong because I can't send a message to release the magic but since last post, scope community have advised me that when you win an appeal you have to reapply all over again with the PIP2 form that's the really long 36 pages one!! I can't believe it, just another slap across the face DWP shame on you!
I am a bit confused here as "in payment advanced claim" is a term usually associated with a decision to revise the original claim. However your claim was won on appeal and it appears that the DWP is only honouring that decision until the date set by the court. Which means as far as they are concerned they stick with their original decision. From the look of it they are trying to make you wait as if your original claim as failed. Personally I would seek expert advice. However there is another way. If there is any change in your condition you could make a new claim before your old claim ends. But you must inform them that there as been a change in condition.
Crikey how confusing, I would phone them and ask them to explain exactly what this means for you Claire. Apart from that asking someone who knows the system would help. Me I would be contacting Fightback4Justice to ask for their legal advice as they are donation run lawyers.
Definitely give the DWP a phone call. GOod luck keep us update please x
Sounds like you need a legal body helping you at this state,make appt.to see a welfare rights officer to intervene further for you.
Hi what is a review Iv noticed my award has a review date for the 12 Oct what does that mean I never noticed it until I read ur post x
Hi, a review is what they do to decide if you are still eligible for pip and to see that you are receiving the correct rates based on your current health needs. You say your end date is the 12th October did you go to tribunal and win appeal or not?
Hi, if your award ends on the 12th October and you haven't renewed then your payments will stop, not to scare you just found this out myself so if I were you I'd be ringing them up tomorrow morning asking where your forms are or asking around cab or the like next steps
Hi but it’s says we will review your claim after the 12 Oct
On your award letter it says when award end date, the part where it states review is usually under the decision section. On the front page it will say awarded from date to award end date, check there you might be looking in the wrong section ok
Yes the 12 Oct so suppose I’ll get something soon hope the forms aren’t like the original surely a review should be easier we’ll i hope
Hope you get sorted yourself it’s just as get over one form it’s another x
Yes, you definitely need legal body, they will know exactly what they are doing. Good luck. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
Ya seems so , Iam dreading it though reading other things reviews should be easier but I won’t believe that until I see for myself
Iv pretty much copied my original form so Iam just gona print it all out and use it
For each question
Think you have to be with them
One my original form I didn’t use there boxes I printed my answer on paper and sent that
Hello I won my appeal with enhanced daily but mobility stayed the same and my end date for PIP on the decision letter says 2020 so I was expecting to have been called by now for review but nothing so as I had a change of circumstances with my medical condition and informed them . I was sent a new claim form not a review , I asked how come I wasn’t called up for it and apparently they have changed the goal posts and it’s not a year before when you are called it’s now 6 months . So now I have had to do the 40 page form but I wanted the review “ yes no sometimes “ form . I have sought an organisation to help me complete the form as last time I nearly had a breakdown and that’s now on its way to DWP and I am now awaiting their decision . I am housebound and my doctor comes to my home so if I have to have an assessment they will have to come to me .
It’s all so confusing . I hate Brown Envelopes !!!!
There are a few things wrong here, I think anyway. If you needed professional help you would have got it BEFORE the appeal not after. 2. When an appeal is made it looks at the whole award again and within the documents would have stated the period it was looking at, both in your paperwork and in theirs when they finally agreed to change their decision. 3. The decision would have been by way of an E Mail at first where ALL DOCUMENTS they were looking at were listed and that when receiving it if there were documents you wanted to add that would be the time, until a " Raw draft " of the documents ( By then stating dates and what it was ) e.g. 2019 August medical assessment form, and G P's report sent in with August 2019 form, etc, etc, 4. once agreed to the content their E Mail to you will be an electronic signature to you of those documents and in your case would state under the How I arrived at my decision at the end would state that I will make the payments from, e.g. 19 OCT 2019 to 01 NOV 2020 and this would be for a period till 01 NOV 2022 .
5. This period includes your back pay the period from 02 NOV 2020 to 02 December 2020 is when your next payment will be made at the new rate until the revision date of 01 Nov 2022. 6. the 14 weeks they refer to is the period that they can contact you before the end date of you last claim, this is supposed to be 1 MONTH, but they say because of the pandemic its 14 weeks, THE LAW HAS NOT CHANGED.