Well today is Dday at 2pm my appeals shud start as to wether i am entitled to DLA & ESA. Bearing in mind i struggle to walk 15 meters with a stick in constant pain over my body, any activity saps me of any energy i mite ave and on 168 tablets a week!!! i carnt hold a cup in my left hand. well we shall see after 3 long years!!!!!!! wih me luck
DLA, ESA, APPEALS.: Well today is Dday... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

good luck xx
good luck
Good luck!
good luck xx
good luck xx
Good luck to you! xx
Good Luck xxx
Thank you all for ur good wishes. After having the most horible experience ever n just over 2 hours of questioning, they turned round and said, "We have made our decision and it will be in tonights post, thank you and good bye"!!!!
OMG after all that i still dont no all i have is a bad head ache pain all over my body n feel sick never want to go thro that again. So hope the postman brings me good news tomorro.
Thanks Every One
hope u never have to go thro this xxxx
Oh that is such a pain in the neck for you, if they had made their decision they may as well have told you what it was. I didn't get my results on the day cos they were running late and said they didn't want to keep people waiting which was fair enough. I have been in the waiting room though and they have called people back in to tell them the outcome on they day.
I really hope it is good news for you when the brown envelope arrives, will be waiting to hear the results when you have them. Take care, love Angela xx
I HAD A APPEAL COUPLE YRS AGO FOR D.L.A THEY CAME TO MY HOME..OOOOPS they carried on at me for 2 n half hrs even though they said it would be 45 mins...one said we can go in the kitchen to make a decision, the others said no they were just off to the pub for lunch and would discuss it there..honestly they dont care ...i was on pins waiting for letter, the 2 n half hrs was just to much for me, was ill for good 2 mnths over it....and yes i was refused after all that..but i do get it now after fighting for it for 3 yrs....they know the aswer so they should say it there and then .....hope you get good news will keep me fingers [ and i would me toes but there painfull at moment ] crossed for you...xxxxxxxxxxx
hi luvmybabies,
any update how did it go? x
Thanks every1. Well after a very stressfull nite of not much sleep n lots of pain got up this mornin feelin very sick watchin for the postman. OMG he pulled up outside my house n i started havin a panic attack waitin waitin, for nothin~~~NO BROWN ENVELOPE!!!!!!! my whole body just went weak i felt all over tired my legs went from under me n i just sat n cried, how can they play with people like this??? ive had enough stress for the last 3 years, so now for another sleepless night n watchin for the postie in the mornin!!!! I'll let u all no the result tomorro, hopefully xxxx I cud do with a hug if i didnt feel so tender!!!! xxx thanx for ur support xxx