I had hip replacement one year go but doctors would not discuss fibro or a connection. I have had pain in the leg ever since and can only walk with crutches.
Has anyone suffering from fibro had m... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Has anyone suffering from fibro had major surgery - and problems?

Yes 2yrs ago thats when all mine started from my 2 nd hernia i have got to state doing meals and carrying milk fridge to work surface is heavy i have a very long list!! My neurologist was even mad i was not sent him 1st too. But i will be having my 3rd MRI this time brain scan apparently should of been 1st.. But my neck went 3 times in 2 months last year so had mri of neck 1st then leg. I blame titanium and fact had a nerve wrapped in screw which was left crippled 2wks!! And rushed to hospital. I am quite mad really as its changed my life and i still adament i have MS !! Xxxxx i am trying to find nhs allergy to metal blood tests which i think is rast! I wont give up and if you have pain constantly hound them xxxsoft hugs
Hi Valerieanne, i also had a hernia op and had to keep going back to see my gp and the consultants had had scan ect; but was left with nowt they could do!
But with my gp we have worked out that my brain hasnt accepted my op was successful so I still have to act as though the hernia is still there --- laying down as if to let hernia drop back in and the anti spasminols ---
I think you should go back to your gp or see another gp at your surgery and ask for help with the pain and a referal to the pain clinic
Good luck
hugs poppy xx
Hi. I had cosmetic survey 4 years ago and the wound got infected by a form of mrsa. I had a hole in my stomach that you could put your finger in. It was plugged with a very thick layer of solid yellow stuff that the nurse called slough. My stomach swelled up with around 2 liters of fluid. I could tap my side and you could see the fluid ripple. I had about half of it drained at hospital which was quite traumatic as they first wanted to go in through the scar with a huge needle and I freaked out big style literally climbing up the bed! I pulled myself together enough for them to go in through my side. I totally forgot that the whole of my stomach was completely numb and I wouldn't have felt a thing. It took 6 months to get rid of the infection and heal the hole in my stomach and scabs and wounds on the rest of my body. I see to have triggered fm overnite, and I have to say even now, 4 years later I'm still devastated. I was a personal trainer and was training to teach small children to swim. I ran 10 miles every week and I LOVED my life with a passion!!!. I feel like my life has been taken from me and this existence is what I got in return. A week after I had the operation, my eldest daughter ( I have 2 aged 22 and 19) decided that she couldn't be bothered to be a mother to her 2 sons and called me 1 day and said that if I didn't get the boys they were going into care at 11am the next day. This was 7pm at nite and she was in ireland with her husband and his regiment. Needless to say, the boys came here and I got a residence order and they have been with me ever since. My bf is amazing! Altho I've known him 28 years now, we had only got together 3 weeks before I had surgery. He took everything in his stride and cared for the boys, then aged 1 and 2, and me and also worked split shifts in his job. The boys have severe behavioral problems and at the time only slept a couple of hours every nite. I'm not sure what set the fibro off in me but it seems to have been due to the infection I contracted and was made worse by the stress of my daughter and the situation.
Sorry about the long post! I seem to want to talk tonite
Love and hugs
Chilli xxx
Myofascial restrictions are a common complication of surgery and can be especially problematic with Fibro.
The hyperalgesia (hypersensitivity to pain) of Fibro can also mean that any lingering pain is magnified.
I still get scar pain from my Caesarean 16 months ago - and that's despite having had myofascial release done in the area. My GP is baffled so I'm seeing an osteopath specialising in visceral fascia soon.
well this is really interesting, I shall definitely be looking up myofascial and the release, and your first sentence sums up the kind of thing I have wondered about. The osteopath, well I have wondered about that, do good luck and let me know how you get on,
hugs, val
Hi Val, well I saw the osteopath today and can stand, walk and breathe better! I'll have to wait and see whether the pain in the scar area has lessened, but he identified that my SP joint was out of alignment, adjusted that and found two areas in my abdomen that were congested with fascial restrictions so worked on both of those.
Unfortunately it cost me £70 - worth it, but not nice having to pay that to try and correct the results of NHS surgery (not that there was anything wrong with my surgery, I hasten to add!).
I too have had my hip replaced, about 8 and 1/2 yrs ago, but was only actually diagnosed with FM last year, but it did explain why I have never fully recovered from the op and all the other pains i have had over the years. they did warn me at the time that the replacement hip may not rid me of all the pain, but they didn't know back then why i was getting such pain. I am sure it made my recovery so much worse… i was only 41 at the time and in my hubby's words i looked over 90 afterwards.
My other hip now needs doing... I cant walk far and also have nerve damage around the hip, but this is because that was 6th `major op on that one site. they wont touch it again as the inside will just be a mess. if it ever needs replacing again they will have to use a different area to cut through.
I am putting off having the other hip being done because I know I will have to go through the same all again, plus now I have Obstructive Sleep Apnoea its going to cause a concern putting me under anaesthetic…..so its a matter of keep taking the pain killers!!! xxx

I Cant believe you have had so much to deal wit h at such a young age..... but regarding the sleep apnoea problem, I have nacolepsy which is similar, and they gave me the epidural, which i was nervous about, but it was fine.
Hi, interesting how they take so long to diagnose us, seems a common problem. Rheumatologists are a bad word in this area, gp, and hospital are reluctant to refer you. Thanks anyway, see below general reply !
Hi everyone, thanks for all the responses. I am very sorry but on rereading my question I did sort of mislead you. I had fibro before I had surgery, and I tried to talk to the GP, then the surgeon, the nurses - anyone, but they would not listen. Then having all this pain after I tried again, but in vain. (It is supposed to be inflammed bursitis - the busa ) and i have had 3 steroid injections hoping it will help. But No. This last one though, 3 weeks ago, seems to have helped a bit. This was done under the pain management, and at long last that doctor admitted that fibro could be a contibutory cause of this pain.
I want to find out if fibro causes people to have more problems and pain after surgery, like for instance the myofacsial answer - I will look that up.
Interesting howe many of you had fibro brought on by surgery.
This may be of help to anyone contemplating future surgery:
It is written by Devin Starlanyl, one of the top authors on Fibro with Myofascial Pain. She is either a doctor or has had medical training (not sure if she completed qualification as an MD) and also has both Fibro and CMP/MPS herself.
HI Lindsey, thanks for the link - very interesting read.
I have only recently heard about Myofascial pain and suspect it may be something I have. The paragraph regarding back surgery was of particular interest as I had a ligament stabilisation due to a degenerated disc 15 years ago with a repair 4 years later as one of the bands had collapsed. I was told that the cause of my problems was that my spine was twisted due to the muscles on one side of my back being stronger than those on the other side. About 21/2 years ago, around the same time as getting my CPS/Fibromyalgia diagnoses, I was told the disc above was now prolapsed and was offered more surgery. I turned down the offer as at the time I was going through my Divorce plus I had my suspicion that the problem would just travel further up my back. The article would appear to confirm those suspicions and I have printed it off to show my Osteopath and GP.
well this is a real step forward for me, to hear that an actual consultant has made such a statement. I was ignored when trying to ask questions prior to surgery , and since, and it was only the last doc I saw who admitted it 'could be'
many thanks for that and I will read the article you are refering to.
Yes I had an open appendectomy due to peritonitis, was supposed to be keyhole but when thy got inside I was such a mess they had to open me up so they could wash my organs. The Fibro made the recovery very long.
yes thats a good point as we know some of the really older doctors did not acknowledge the theory. My head is now buzzing after reading that article but its fascinating
Hia sorry butting in but i am so glad that some one else believes tge trauma of an op can bring it on because my gp'sand the surgeon say it is not but i guarentee since may 2010 frim coming round from op is where everything started! I believe that no one wants to admit liability for the outcome of whats now happened. Like my Neurologist said after diagnosing bhms he was annoyed and that my issues should of been recognised a long time ago and a brain scan should of been done 1st which is what i said due to the state of how i am now, so he is doing further investigations as my GP told told me, so as said i believe yes an operation/trauma can contribute to the effects of how we can end up. Xxxxxx soreee i kinda had to just pop in on that lol