FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO WORK: I ADMIRE YOU... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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rosehip profile image
18 Replies


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rosehip profile image
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18 Replies
soulsusie profile image

I really really wanted to go back to what I did but unfortunatley it was not too be.

Don't forget there are different levels and depths to our Chronic conditions, we are all individuals and as such we are none of us the same as in how we feel what medication we take and what we can do on a daily basis.

Soft hugs to all those who are managing to hold down jobs. x x x x x

You're so lucky Christine, my old job was extremely demanding but I was medically retired last year and I definitely would not be able to do the job again, no way esp with my weakness and fibro fog, they'd sack me after a few hours xx

in reply to

I feel unable to work as if I stand too long or sit too long I get pain. My cognitive problems are bad. The more I think about what I have the more concenred I am getting as I have been in denial for so long hoping it will go away. It is nigh on impossible to manage on benefits.

yes i second that there is no way i could work as much as i would love to at the moment it is not an option but you never know love to you diddle x

I had to give up working in 2009 unfortunately as I loved my work. I used to do 12hr shifts, on my feet, racing around the whole time, so it became impossible to continue. I still say to myself "Perhaps one day I can go back . . . . " Realistically I know I can't do that sort of work any more, things change. I just hope to be more active at home, enjoy my garden again planting etc., become fitter. I have different goals these days, more achievable I suppose. :) :)

Kerry29 profile image


i am not coping so well with it and i have to give it up soon.

from kerry29

Sharon_J profile image

I would love to give up another day but financially we can not do it! I'm not sure how everyone manages with money? We have a mortgage and unfortunately have some credit cards etc and just household bills. I know that we are all different with our levels of disability and our cicumstances, but I wish everyone a good weekend and hope none of suffer to much! xx

fibropixie profile image

I'm a freelancer and my work comes in spates, sometimes not much at all and sometimes, like now, all at once and totally full on! I'm working weird hours and a lot of it in the evenings, often 12 hour days. I'm trying to keep my energy up but yesterday after an afternoon shift my hip just locked up and I could barely walk! Had to take the night off, which then makes me feel guilty for letting people down when I've said I'll do something.

I love my job but it's so physically demanding that I'm really struggling at the moment, even though I try to pace myself. Couldn't possibly consider giving it up as simply can't afford to.

Today is day 8 of 10 on this job, and I think that'll be me out of action for a week or so when it's finished. Sorry to moan, I'm having a poor me morning! Soft hugs all.

Pamg profile image

I work 16 hours a week but i am struggling. i find it so hard to get out of bed in the mornings and when i am at work and in pain they just moan because i am not working hard enough.

I have just sold my flat because i could no longer pay the mortgage and now i have to find somewhere to rent, but i am now thinking this might be a good time to look into giving up work.

sandiedee profile image

I too work at a hospital as a ward clerk, it's tough going but I do 3 days a week so that I rest between. But I love my job so just try to keep going. The tiredness and fibro fog really don't help. Thank god for lists!!!!

It takes my mind of my illness for a while too which helps

Sandie x

daffodilhappy profile image

Hi there,Work is my life line it keeps my mined off the FM.If I couldnt work I dont know how I would cope money wise.I have a sitting down job but it still doesnt help with the aches and pains.I know one one thing FM people are so friendly so glad I join this site.

annemcc profile image

Hiya i work 8 hrs 5 days a week, it is hard going some days especially mon tues when i am on my own without any help.

It is a seaside town with a fair that comes every summer for about 3 months, so it is longer hours and as it a cafe its like being in a sauna every day which i find embarracing as i sweat alot from the head, i look as if i have just stepped out the shower!

If i packed it in we would miss the money, i know life isnt always about money but it helps a hell of a lot, im lucky my weekends are my own never work then!! :) anne xx

catleigh profile image

We couldnt manage money wise if I didnt work. I dont know how people manage on benefits I really dont.

I work full time in an office mainly sitting down which helps. I just concentrate on getting through one day at a time. I would go mad if I couldnt work - I couldnt cope with being stuck at home all day :(

rosehip profile image

anne you are so brave . i struggle to even make a bed x


I am a nurse and work part time, one day on and one day off

dont know how I do it, its not much of a life always pain and

tired. I dont do anything with my day off just sit mainly. but

needs must but not for much longer I dont think

I struggle to get out of bed as well and have to make sure

to get up at least two hours before work and have a bath

some times my husband has to pull me out of bed.

I would cope with being stuck at home all day how wonderful

but maybe I am older than you catleigh and just had enough

of work.

Miss the money thats the problem

fibromum0f6Uk profile image

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia not long after the birth of my 6th child , in 2009 I suffered what appeared to be a lung embolism coupled with a mini stroke leaving me partially paralysed . I was frustrated when the doctors said i should try and get back to work as I had not paid enough tax in over my years of being a stay at home mum and would not qualify for benefits due to my husbands income so I knew I had to do something. if you followed my NHS blogs last year you will have read about the nightmare I went through in trying to find a job that understood my condition and ultimately my fibro won and I had to give up . Then my sister offered to tell me about how she was coping , she invited me to a 3 way call to find out more - I did not phone in I was too tired and weepy that day. Then months later I decided to be a customer and at least see if I could save some money on my general monthly budget , then I saw a 25 minute clip that changed the way i was thinking and feeling. I partnered up with my sister and her team and began working just 5 adhoc hours a week from home , some weeks I manage up to 15 hours and I can pick when to do my work so that it suits me. I still volunteer once a week and host a fibro support group at my house but now I earn money and save money with what my family terms as my new health hobby . I now have a little team of my own and am really pleased to have some money of my own as I have always been dependent on my husband for money and now I feel happier as I really do enjoy the job itself ,I love the fact I save money every month on my shopping but even more I love it when my little paycheck comes through - it gives me something to focus on and something to look forward to.

sparkledust profile image

I stopped working at spring break. I was working in a primary school & managed to keep my job after redundancies last summer & was offered 15 hours a week. I loved my job, but with challenging children, I was exhausted every day & in agony, which annoyed me after only 3 hours a day I couldn't do it anymore. I've always worked, and had been reducing my hours down and down, until there was no where to go. I keep telling myself I will go back to work soon, I will do it, when I get a grip with all this :)


soo19 profile image

I started working nights 3 nights a week it is a 12 hour shift and quite hard sometimes, I work on a dementia ward and the pleasure it brings me helping them makes me forget my pains the hours fly by and by the end of the night yes Im exhausted and can hardly keep my eyes open driving home, I ache and I just want my bed, but, I found after 12 years of fybro I have a life again, It half kills me but I enjoy every minute of it and would recommend it to anyone! Gentle hugs Suex

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