Who diagnosed you?: Who diagnosed you... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Who diagnosed you?

sjm81 profile image
18 Replies

Who diagnosed you with Fibro?

When did you start seeing different specialist?

My pain consultant diagnosed me and I have no appointments to see any other specialist i.e rhuemotologist etc apart from an emergencies acupuncture appointment on October 23rd

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sjm81 profile image
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18 Replies
Regnofibro1 profile image

The first time I was diagnosed was long before they had a name for it. Since then I have been diagnosed several times by different specialist every time it has hurt I wish you good luck and surely hope things work out for you

Lou1064 profile image

I was diagnosed by a Rheumatologist after several years of odd symptoms. I had been visiting the GP for years and was taken seriously, on one visit all my symptoms fell into place and I was sent to Rheumatology for confirmation. My treatment now is mainly with Neurologist due to severe nerve damage from lack of vitamin D which is I believe fairly common among fibro patients, it was explained in my case that I don't absorb nutrients sufficiently not sure how common that is amongst us but worth pursuing in my opinion. x

TheAuthor profile image

My GP sent me to a Private Consultant and in turn, he sent me to others and then I was diagnosed by the Consultant. I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck.

Just to add, it may be beneficial to ask your GP for some referrals? The worst they can say is no?

All my hopes and dreams for you


KORKY profile image

Hi I was diagnosed by a rheumatologist after a couple of appointments he also diagnosed joint hyper mobility was then sent back to my GP as he said he could not do anything more than my GP could do I also have Coeliac disease, pernicious Anaemia suffer from depression and anxiety . Xx

Hi, I was told I could have fibromyalgia when I went to pain management . She was very good ,helped me sort things at work ,wrote to my drs to ask to do blood tests and refer me to reumotology , that's where I was diagnosed in the end . X

sandstone profile image

I was diagnosed in December last year and too was disappointed when the doctor sent me to a rheumatologist and he confirmed fibromyalgia, then stated he could do nothing for me there and discharged me from his clinic saying doctor is now in charge and should refer me to pain clinic. ..i am still waiting for this appointment (if the doctor did actually do it )

FIBROWORK profile image

My gp diagnosed me. Sent me to rheumatologist for confirmation. He wrote back to gp saying that I was depressed. He treated me like something he trode on. Sent me to different hospital for second opinion, he diagnosed me with Fibro. Advised me that there was very little pharmaceutical measures. That was December 2011, my employer terminated my employment July 2012 on grounds of capability as I could not sustain a regular attendance at work and because I don't have a consultant OR attended gp constantly. I was refused ill health

Volatileval profile image

A locum diagnosed me! I haven't been referred to anyone else. I spoke to another locum by phone and he added amitryptline to my pain killers a few months ago. Other than that I take paracetamol and napazamam. ( can't spell or remember this morning), but they are next up to iprobfufen!

achydunlin profile image

Still not diagnosed - although fibro has been mentioned. No mention of any pain clinic or any information. After over 18 months of going to the docs, seeing a neuro and a rheumy (the latter one who I'm still waiting to hear results from 3 months after visit and six phone calls...) I'm still none the wiser. Pain meds just keep getting upped from 'take paracetomol' to 'co-codamol' then gabapentin, then meloxicam... I did mention pain clinic (as I'd read about it on here) to my GP and they looked at me as if I'd grown another head...

sjm81 profile image

Thank you for all your replies, its weird how different GP's deal with Fibro. It's very encouraging that I am not alone in feeling lost in the world of NHS

achydunlin profile image
achydunlin in reply to sjm81

The first GP I saw told me I had 'stress' (I was doing a full-time pg course but didn't feel stressed), then another told me it was post-viral. The third got me really stressed when she sent me for an urgent MRI (she thought it was neurological and I'd had a stroke - I was suffering from severe headaches and had a loss of vision in one eye - but it did return although it's still not brilliant). But... just as she referred me to a neuro, she left and her replacement just tells me "I think it's fibro" - I had to fight for six months to see a rheumy.... Although my GPs seem to be "positive" about fibro - i.e. they're not scathing about it - I am worried that they lump anyone who has fatigue/aches and pains etc with it. I have a friend who was first diagnosed with fibro, a year later she has RA and her joints are damaged... if they hadn't been so fast to label her then who knows? Sorry, long post but I feel strongly about this and feel sometimes docs are too quick (or not) to diagnose/label. My own hubby was diagnosed with gallstones when it turned out he had pancreatic cancer and died..... sorry not to say everyone has been mis-diagnosed but as you can see I don't have a lot of faith in the medical profession....xx

stumpedok profile image

It is hard not to feel sad and angry reading your various posts here. ....is anyone really properly looking after us Fibros? So tired of all this nonsense.

lovelyredhead profile image

Hi SJM 81.

Iv had ME for 15yrs ,FIBRO for 10yrs but did get told till 2 yrs ago that I had it.

My specialist was Professor Finley ,he lives Gidea Park ,Hornchurch ,Essex.

Iv not got his phone number ,but he's retired now ,he saw me as a Favour ,be cause I used to be a patient with his Private practice. My parents paid for me to see him ,because I wasn't getting any help from the NHS.I hadn't seen anyone in 10yrs ,so I'm afraid were I live ,its a bloody nightmare, iv not got checked with any of my conditions not even my BRAIN Tumour, or Heart .

Get on Google ,look up the Doctors that deal with FIBRO in your area.

Good Luck.

Take care.

Love an Huggs.


elana909 profile image

Not sure what's going on there really. I was initially diagnosed by my gp last November . He referred me to rheumatologist who confirmed my gps diagnosis. She did say she didn't need to see me again. But after seeing my gp a number of times afterwards he re referred me to rheumatologist. I saw a different person to first time. He has since seen me twice. Discussed pain management etc of which I never heard from. I then went to see my new gp as pain intorelable. He got onto pain clinic and I received letter within a week. I have phone consultation with them next week and they've sent me a questionnaire. The rheumatologist I saw did he he would see me again but haven't heard anything yet.....

Rainbow_Chaser profile image

I was diagnosed by a Rheumatologist & have not seen another specialist since. In fact, I have only seen my Rheumatologist once since my diagnosis 6 years ago & that was for something unrelated. I was told that they could do nothing else for me - I can't have the medication recommended for Fibro & I can't have any stimulant Pain Relief due to a serious Heart Arrhythmia! They referred me instead for support, so a Clinical Psychologist & Pain Clinic.

I have literally tried everything that doesn't involve medication... so Acupuncture, Meditation etc. I will continue to use every & any support there is out there, as it's a difficult disease to live with without meds!

Debs <3

Willow51 profile image

I was diagnosed a few years ago by a rheumatologist and, like everyone else, no further contact. It seems to be down to your GP to just administer pain relief but a bit of tlc and information wouldn't go amiss. I am going to see a different rheumy on Tuesday 1st., all one side appears to be getting weaker and the pain is getting worse but just down one side, weird. I should be grateful for small mercies, it could be be both sides :) . Take care, hugs Linda x

stumpedok profile image
stumpedok in reply to Willow51

Aaahhh....A bit of "tlc" .....now wouldn't that be lovely!

Fibroman profile image

I had lots of tests about 10 years ago. Now I only visit my Doctor every few months when prescription is due. Specialists ? Once they tag you with Fibro the help stops , no one cares. Job center think we are scroungers , friends think we are mad. No cure no hope just get on with life.

People need to accept that there is nothing the NHS can do for us.

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