Hi, I have been recently diagnosed with Fibro, after suffering for years thinking I was going mad! I was back and fore the doctor who couldn't find anything wrong. I had tests for everything!! I was depressed, in pain and felt like I was on another planet! Thank goodness someone took me seriously at last. I am in pain from head to toe. Feet feel like they're on fire. Some days I just want to give up. I've got plenty of reasons to keep going though so I try and ignore the pain and get on with things. It's nice to have someone to talk to who understands what it feels like, thanks guys xx
My first blog post: Hi, I have been... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
My first blog post

Hi i am not long new to this site but its is supper i thought my head was going
and the pain was all in my head i have been suffering for years and has had more tests so called treatments,now i take my medication and take one day at a time.
Hi there i am new to this site too, i was recently diagnosed with Fibro about 9 months ago after approx 12 years of thinking i was also going mad! it's a great community on here with lots of support! Warm wishes sent to you xxx
hi and a very warm welcome to you and you certainly have got the right attitude to this thing fibro i hoe to chat to you again i am sure you will always find something on here to laugh at or cry at but jus to help you hrough those dark days we all have from time to time you take care love diddle x
hi dag,iv only been a family member 4 bout wk,their a lvly lot on ere n if theres 1 thing i can b sure of thats that u`ll fit in n u can b sure that ur listend t n bleved lv fm me xx
Hi dag,
Its nice to meet you.
I hope you get as much out of this site as i do, its fantastic.
hugs, kel xxx
Hey im new to this site too as well as being new to Fibro im 17 and got tol i have fibro only a month ago after suffering with it since the age of 11-12. Sucks ha
went through mri scans and the lot the but they couldnt find anything so dont worry your not the only fibromialgia sufferer that thought they were actually loosing their marbeles
Hi Dag, its a very frustrating illness isn't it. Never mind, you have found common ground now on this site so you will not feel so alone. There will always be someone who has walked a little way in your shoes and knows exactly how you feel.
Take care, Angela xx