what dosage are you on and is it helping, i was changed from codiene phosphate to tramadol 2 weeks ago, i am on 50mg 4x daily, but im getting worse every day its hurting to type this, i am also on 30mg amitriptyline 30mg at night but have started waking in pain again and being so stiff in a morning. Will have to go back to my gp after easter hols i cant stick this for another 2 weeks x
for those on tramadol....: what dosage... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
for those on tramadol....

be very careful on tramadol. I became suicidally depressed very quickly on this drug. Great for pain, bad for the brain. I was seriously checking train timetables to see which one to lie under and checking access to tall buildings with a certain degree of enthusiasm. Please, at the first signs of depression get away from this. I hope it agrees with you better than my experience with it.
i dont know what being properly assessed means, i have seen any one at hospital or anything like that, i have been diagnosed based on what i have said, how ive felt were hurts etc. If the tramadol isnt used as my main med as my codiene phosphate with amitriptyline was then which is my pain med now only im really suffering with pain taking paracetamol as well.................
yes you must go back to your GP if you are not feeling right i know tht they say give them a few weeks etc but if your not happy go back i would love to you diddle x
thankyou i will xx
ask to be referred to the pain clinic at your local hospital. They have specialists who look at the cocktail you are taking and see how they interact. i couldnt do without my pain clinician, wonderful guy
I really dont understand some of the comments
I have been on tramadol for what 10 years first because i had a very bad lower back pain and i surpose fm and i didnt know i had it because any pain i had i always blamed my back
Anyhow i take 200 mg slow relise trambol morning and night and 50mg in between during the day it does not take all my pain away
(but i amNow good at suffering a bit of pain) i have tryed alot of drug over the years but at lesdt i can function still with tramadol
I had a bad two days my own fault so i took 400mg sr tramadol morning and night so its works on me all night and i can get 5/6 hours sleep with is so supper.hope this help the thing is i have found one drug thats works for someone might not even look at the pain on another MY IDEA is as long as i can function with a bit of normal (what ever that is) living
Im on 50 x4 daily tramadol. I can take up to 8 if I need to and also top up with ibruprofen.
I find that altho it makes my everyday pain bearable it doesnt touch me when I flare, even if I double my dose and top up, and all so has no effect what so ever on my migrains.
I've got an appointment book for 24th, hoping my doc will reveue all my meds and hopefully put me on something more effective, even if its just for when I flare.
The pain this last time was so severe I collapsed.
Dont want another like that!!
Good luck with getting something that helps xx
Thanks for that twiglet, i think because of all the meds im on, im not feeling the effect of 200mg in a whole day 50mg each time, so it would seem that my gp can increase the dose for me, as i do feel worse than when i was on codiene phosphate at moment, so thanks xxx