well i will be going back to work on sat i dont know if im happy about it or not as im scared some thing will happen either i fall or i end up in alot of pain dont get me wrong i want to wwork i just want to be safe doing it as im a community carer i guess i will just have to wait till sat to find out
work: well i will be going back to work... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

have you had a work assessment to see if your capable of working, as Ive been a community carer i know only to well how physically hard and back breaking it can be, has your employer made any concessions for you
I agree with what Lally has suggested, I hope all goes well and u get sorted soon.
lol n hugs
Susan xx
just a thought you mightnt be insured if you hurt a client, or misread case notes, i know I was struggling in the end , I found it very hard to lift clients, i dealt with the terminally ill and those with dementia, so reading their notes got to be a night mare
hse.gov.uk/contact/faqs/ris... your employers should have offered you a risk assessment,please put yourself first and make sure youve got all bases covered if not ask for more time off until you can get help
dont work too hard and leave time for you! hope it goes well. xxxx
well you can only do what you can you sound a carinfg person you are not going to put anyone in danger and you wil come home if you need to hope you can last the shift love to you diddle x