CRYING ALL NIGHT !!! CANT TAKE MUCH M... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Had a very tiring day yesterday and was shattered so signed off here and had bath . then i remembered my bank statement had come earlier in the day i had forgotton to open it, so i did well where had all my money gone ?

(when i say all i dont mean millions lol) i am talking income support here so you get the drift i scanned the statement all my bills etc had come out by now i also had fibro fog due to hectic day etc, anyway i looked and looked all seemed in order no rogue had gotten into my account so i put it back upstairs in my tin sat down and tried to fathom out what was going on!. Anyway after an hour i could not settle so up i go again get out statement loked and lookeed and then i realised my income support had not been paid in 3x payments which is near on 600 , oh my god what are they playing at, the last correspondence i had from them was they sent me a letter 29th feb saying due to your house move you need to rtell us your new address as your money could be stopped let us know by 14th march ( i have been in my home 12 years have not moved ) so i called them 8.15 am the next day spoke to lady explained their mistake had laufgh with her she found it funny too she put it all on the screen that i am still here no intention of moving and that i had called in and i also sent a letter to the same effect which she put on screen so i dont know if it is to do with that/ i called last night but it was 7.45 and they had closed so am waiting til 8 so camn acall them i spent the night in tears all my D/D s are due out in next few days and i hope that they sort it out quickly as nothing has changed!!!!!!! my head is aching my bck is killing me and i feel like i have been in boxing ring , luckily i have the date/time/whoi spoke to so they can trace call etc and copy of the letter i sent them too, I do hope that your day is alot nicer than mine has started out to be, i am hoping to see my Daughter and Grandsons today but i have to drive to get there so will see how i feel but need something to lighten my mood 1 why do they do things like that no letter saying your money has stopped because ?????? whatever i dont know they really are a law unto themselves and now i have prob gone in the red with my bills etc i am so stressed sorry i dont mean to bring you all down, just letting it all out AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! love to you all Diddle x

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4 Replies
Butterfly54 profile image

Oh diddle I`m so sorry to read all that you need to get on to the relavent agencies as soon as they open.

I can only try to understand what a shock to the system that has been on you,I wish they had a chat room on here for those of us up all night,so we could help one another when your world goe`s upside down or you just plain need to talk to someone.

Night time is so long and lonely when you have a problem.

Good luck Hun will wait to hear what happens.

Love and Hugs Butterfly xxxx

in reply to Butterfly54

thanks for your kind words of support it means so much and does help i am worried as dont know what has happened but i will call as soon as they open and then call the bank to make sure i dont go over drawn will certainly let you know what the outcome is love to you diddle x

Hi thankyou so much for your kind words you started me off again bless ya i jus cant cope with things like this anymore. i woll call the bank too later as i dont want a bad name with them and will call dss as soon as they open 8 i think, my partner bless him offered to put money in my account if i needed it until its all sorted sothat was kind but i declined i want it sorted!!!!!!! thanks again and have a nice day will let you all know what happens later love to you diddle x

gypsycrafter profile image

I am sure you will get it sorted out just take a deep breath, make sure you have all relevant bits of paper and pick up that phone gal. sometimes i write down what i need to say as well. look forward to a further post telling us it is sorted!! big soft hugs. xxxxx

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