How awesome this site is I would feel so alone and helpless with-out the knowledge and support from all the lovely people on here ! Its So Lovely to know that every-one knows how each other is feeling ! Its just such a shame that you have to be a fibro Sufferer to understand it all ! I wish fibro was made more aware to the public So that others can at least try and understand what we are going through x
Just wanyed to say ....: How awesome... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Just wanyed to say ....

Ooops Spelling error right away .sorry
Hi Sue, i couldnt agree more with you, this is a great site with lots of great freindly people on it
Also i agree more people should be made aware of fibro and what we go through as sufferers, So i have decided to write a book, i will be including stories that members of this site want to send me
Dont worry about the spelling thats why we have spell check hahaha
Ahh Thats a great idea Chorley Well done and wish you all the best with that x
Will do x
well said Sue. a fibro sufferer doesn't have to explain things to another fibro sufferer. we know the indignities, the frustration and, above all, the pain we have to manage daily. there's that saying "walk a mile in somebody's shoes" - well I wish I could walk a mile, but others shouldn't be so quick to judge us!
I'm new to this site but am already feeling like it's "home". Wish I'd found it sooner when I was feeling really down last year.
Hi and welcome this really is a great place to be you will hear so many funny/sad tales but it is great for advice on a spectrum of subjects so take care love diddle x
Thats so true Sue, there is noone who knows what I am going through except another fibro sufferer. I'm beginning to realise now that all those negative things I have been through are not me but the illness. xx