Hey everyone. Hope you are keeping well...
Jokes. We have fibro, there is no such thing as "well."
Ive had about enough this week. My new doctor (changed area) doenst believe in pain killers for fibro and has cut back on all of them, including anti depressents etc cause she says i dont seem to b depressed.
Needless to say i now am. to register at another doctors gunna take about 3 weeks. EEK. So i have to deal with this until then....
Plus the cold is gettting to me. Got in the house at 5pm and was freezing till 3am, even though the house was 22c and i had a blanket and full clothing on.
as always money is tight (never take out a payday loan... honestly worst mistake of my life)
christmas is coming and i cant afford presents...
f*** the world.
cept you guys.. you're awesome
sam xx