does anyone else have erm smelly urine thats very dark in colour ?? i havnt got an infection but im not sure if its something to do with fibro or thyroid ,,,
sorry about this but >>>>>: does anyone... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
sorry about this but >>>>>

Hi , I am up on urine at the mo and have the same problems!!! have you had it tested for an infection? You can have an infection with no symptoms.
Fibro sufferers can get something called interstital cystitus which is an inflammed bladder wall. My dr thinks I have this, but have to see the urology department.
Hav you ever been yo Urology? x
yeah i have had it tested three times but the smell is knocking me sick ,,,,i will see my gp about that as yet she handles all my care thanks rach xx
yes i have not all the time i didnt think anything about it thorght it was something i was drinking or eating but thankyou so much for bringing this to my attention i will talk to dr about it next time i see him x
yes i have not all the time i didnt think anything about it thorght it was something i was drinking or eating but thankyou so much for bringing this to my attention i will talk to dr about it next time i see him x
its been like this for months lyn it seems the more stressed i am the more vile the smell ... it really has made me chuck up ,,,,,its one of those things u dont like to ask but its driving me potty it comes back negative from tests or even tho i always wash my erm bits after each time ,,some tests have come back as ...... sorry forgot word ,,,,
contaminated duh !!!!!!!!!! now i know it cant be but its showing no infection
Are they testing your white blood count ( leukocytes), I have an increased amt which basically means they are fighting something as they are not at a normal level. Have you also had a test to see if blood is present?
It may be worth asking your GP for this test to be done. A simple dip test can be done by the nurse, however for more precise results it needs to go to path lab.
I know what you mean about the smell....rancid or what!!! I have been like it for about 2.5 years but only mentioned it to my GP now. I never had any burning etc so compared to the pain and headaches my wee was the last of my problems!!!...until now!!
Have you honestly been sick...???xx
yep i have honestly been sick ,,,,, more than a couple of times i dread the first wee of am morning ,, i actually was told to put vicks in my nostrils by a copper i know he said he does it when he knows he has to attend a dead person ,,, could have phrased that better but not today .......ive got all my bloods to be done next week so my gp is doing the pee thing general mot ,,,im glad im not alone in this ,, i get what you mean about sugar puffs lol ,,,, i just wish mine smelt that good xcc
Toxic waste springs to mind, and "down there" never ever seems to smell fresh either.
TBH I had put it down to meds?
x x x
i wondered that about meds just one of those gross things we have to put down to fibro i guess x
Now you come to mention it I have this too. I have so far put it down to not drinking enough. May speak to my GP about it, but there is always a long list of things - tomorrow it's the results of my vit D test, whether he will give me a steroid shot and if I need antibiotics for a boil! So that's probably enough for the moment. Going to try drinking more and see what happens.
Drinking loads of water does not make any difference to my wee wee....shame , prefer the smell of sugar puffs!!!!! xx
i agree rach i actually drank so much water i was sick but not a bit of diffrence did it make may just go with my police freinds advice and vicks up my nose till we figure ut why lol x
Vic up the nose is for lightweights.....I used to breath through my mouth....block off my nose. However tell a lie, one day i didn't have anything apart from cherry lipsalve, so put some on and that took away the smell, however told my male colleage he could put some on ( the man was soaked into the carpet) but I did it for him. What I didn't tell him was that it was red in colour so I put on his lips, all around them and under his nose. I think I wet myself from laughing so much!!!! he couldn't figure out what was wrong until I confessed but that was after others had seen him.....I'm so cruel!!!! xxxx
I have smelly wee fo years and i have mentioned it the doc and she hasnt told me anything how to fix it,.
I drink plenty of water, I dont drink fizzy drinks (apart from lemonade in my vodka maybe once aweek lol)
I get embarrased if someone goes to the toilet after me, i take ages washing my hands and i have a smelly thing in my toilet but i can still smell it, so i think they can too.
When i think back though it could of been when i had seven water infections one after the other, i was that ill i lost 1 and a half stone in two weeks. so maybe something to do with that?
kel xxx
There are lots of things to affect colour, smell and consistency of wee. It could even be your tablets of combination thereof!. You do need to see a doctor as a matter of urgency (because some gp surgeries have long waiting lists!) when these things occur. It is likely it is not urgent (dont tell receptionist this) but it needs to be looked into.
ps have you tried drinking milk?
I was putting the colour & smell down to the meds....I eat sugar puffs !!!! so didn't think of anything wrong lol. I drink water all the time and have a bottle of water with me all the walking, visiting or taveling about when i am able, will mention it to my dr & take him a weeee sample on next appointment, thanks for bringing it to fibro blog, take care, gentle hugs..will report any usefull
yes it does smell of sugar puffs...its ok to ask xx
The one thing I don't suffer with - thank the gawds!! lol. Mind you, I drink on average 3 to 3 1/2 litres of water a day. All meds really take it out on our Kidney's and Liver. May I suggest to everyone here who takes a hand full of meds each and every day..that they up their in-take of water and get some Milk Thistle from Holland & Barrats ( I say Holland & Barrats, because it's trusted and very good quality) Milk thistle is excellent at helping the Liver de-tox from all the meds. If you're not sure..please google the benefits. It's also safe to take with all meds...but yeah, water, water, water. *gentle hugs*
Wow another thing I have learnt after all these years of thinking it was just me. Thanks guys I feel so much better!