I think the problem is we do not distinguish the true meaning of the word 'stress' this can be both physical fatigue and mental but in todays world it is still ;
>>considered personal failings/lack of ability on the individual to preform a task/s adequately>> it is made out to be some sort of lacking in the person affected.
employers endorse this belief, as it remove the onus on them to correct issues and provide a healthy work environment and sort out the real issues (mainly overworked), bullying, lack of resource, etc.
i am not demeaning mental stress either, but it is important the true definations of stress are bought out in the open.
we all know stress is one of the key associations for many fibro suffers, yet all the groups try to not focus on it or find out the statistics behind it in our cases.
since being ill i have met a lot of very capable high ranked career people whom due to their work environment feel they have developed the severe form of condition. this information is important and needs to be highlighted.
we all know it is the A type personalities, from either creative and care giving backgrounds that tend to develope this. maybe there is some sort of association with woman and their bodies nurturing responses that results in us coping with extreme levels of stress until we break. woman multi-task, men generally do not! obviously not all men but you understand my point.
stress needs to be properly defined and its association brought out correctly with the condition. if it is not addressed i fear dr's are always going to close their ears or keep trying to firstly shunt us down the physiological excuse/path/
my analogy is during war soldiers were systematically tortured, over prolonged periods of time. the torture did not even have to be too physical, the Chinese dripping tap for example. well at some point they mainly break. we face a similar existence but somehow manage to carry on with some bad days of anxiety or feeling down. it should be preached from up high the firbo suffers is strong, given what they have to contend with. would any doctor not do whatever it takes to help a tortured solider recover. yet we are mainly left looking and finding out about our own illness and educating doctors.
we deserve to be commended for our true grit... but more importantly helped urgently