Doctors update: Well just to let you... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Doctors update

Davidshelby profile image
18 Replies

Well just to let you all know the the doctors didn't tell me anything I didn't already know said I probably had an ulcer what that's got to to with chest pains I don't know so just got to keep going and hope this clears up

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Davidshelby profile image
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18 Replies
lynz profile image

did they give lansoprosol, i used to get chest pains sore throat, pains in my arm and it turned out to be severe gastric reflux , i think they also give this for ulcers too

Butterfly54 profile image

Hi david you are having a rotten time what with desperate need for sleep and now an ulcer did he give you anything???I have suffered ulcers on and off for years and I do get chest pain.A lot of admissions to hospital for heart scares are down to severe indigestion or ulcers but never ignore chest pain.I saw you had had a lot of probs that way on your blog last night.Wish you well hun and we are here all the time.Gentle hugs Butterfly54 xxx :-)

Hi David ,

ulcers can be caused by excessive acid and this can also cause gastric reflux which also causes chest pain....

There are medications that can be taken for this such as Lansoprazole , or it can be eased by Gaviscon.

Did your GP offer anything to help ?


Davidshelby profile image

Well thanx you all for you nice comments the doctor gave me omeprozole can but try but I've never suffer with indigestion or gastric reflux I'm guessing that having an ulcer can also make you feel quite sick as well

FionaP profile image
FionaP in reply to Davidshelby

Hi David. I was given Omeprozole and took it for around 10 years with great and rapid relief. I hope it is like this with you. I had a hiatus hernia which ended with an oesophagus wrap a few years back. Many foods can make your symptoms worse whatever the diagnosis turns out to be and especially Ibuprofen as it relaxes the oesophagus.

Wishing you all the best and for a good rest. Fi

fibropixie profile image
fibropixie in reply to FionaP

Hi David, Fiona,

I would take ibuprofen with extreme care if you have a suspected ulcer - it can make it a lot worse. Before being diagnosed with fibro, I used to take ibuprofen for my body pain as Cocodamol made me too drowsy. I kept this up for years until

I was hospitalised with excrutiating pain in my stomach, everything I ate I threw up and kept throwing up. After a week on morphine I was discharged with severe gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining) which had been caused by taking ibuprofen. Just because you can buy it over the counter doesn't make it safe. I am now not allowed to take it at all and take Lanzoprazole with my other meds in the morning to stop any acid. Hope this helps.

How does your GP know you have an ulcer ? Have you had tests ?


retiredpharm profile image

Hi David, Several years ago when I had the G.P. who told me I had fibro my wife said to tell him I had a cough, not bad, for some time. He examined me and then concluded that it was gastric reflux and part of IBS. He gave me omeprazole and I haven't looked back. No cough, no indigestion at all, and best of all very little constipation or trots ! It really has worked wonders for me, butttttt- I did read something last autumn about possible problems with long term omeprazole, so just keeping my fingers crossed. I did try lansoprozole but had bad side effects with it.

Hopefully you will get a lot of relief and the ulcer, or potential ulcer healed up.

Davidshelby profile image

He doesn't know it was just a guess as he said when I told him what my symptoms were I did have an ulcer before Christmas but I had follow up cameras to show that was all clear I'm just not happy just need everything to sort so I can have some sort of normal life

To be honest, I wouldn't take your GP's word for it . Some of the medication for ulcers can have unpleasant side effects and I won't take meds unless I have a definite diagnosis of something ( the list is endless of meds you can end up taking with long standing complaints ).

A simple barium meal can show if you have gastric reflux and a scope can tell if you have an ulcer . I think there is even a swab test now for the bacteria that's supposed to cause ulcers.

If it were me, I'd be back to the GP asking for a referral or at least some tests .



in reply to

hi david,

i agree here. i had all these tests and what was thought might be an ulcer turned out to be reflex. i still get extreme soreness from time to time. normally part of food or med intolerance i think.

helens right, get doctor to order tests before dianosis.

big hug x

Davidshelby profile image

Thanx il do just that I think and I will go back to the doctor that I know not someone who doesn't even know what I've been through I hate the some doctors don't even look over your medical records so how they can make a diagnosis is beyond me

Some GP's have the prescription pad in their hand before you even open your mouth David . They just want patients in and out as fast as possible.

I hope when you go back you can get some proper answers .


Davidshelby profile image

Me too Hun

Butterfly54 profile image

Your right Helen there is a blood test for pilori bacti a virus that causes ulcers as thats what I had.T he antibiotices were not pleasant and I had to do the weeks coarse of antibiotics over 2wks and not the 1 as recomended but they had a rotten effect but had to be taken.Unfortunately they can come back and mine did had to do horrible coarse all over again but it`s worth it.Hugs to you all xxxx

I agree Lynn that David should take the Omeprazole for now, but I don't think it's a good idea to take any medication long term without proper investigations into symptoms.

David has said the GP didn't even look at his notes so may not be aware of his history and chest pain can be caused by all kinds of different things , given he has had heart problems in the past , it's just my opinion he should be checked out properly and not just given a drug on the off chance it's an ulcer .

I know from experience that taking the wrong medications can cause problems.

fairycazzie profile image

Hia David and everyone else on board too..

I take Lanzoparole taken now for 12yrs, down to pregnancies but the last one gave me so bad had hernias, look at food feel sick, have a nice glass of wine, feel sick everything small portions. Lansoparole is helpful and i know Omeprazole is pretty much the same so i hope it really works! it is stressful enough with all the other things going on too for you. Just like everyone on here so its great we can all discuss between us as family and friends have no idea as if not suffering they dont know.Good luck with them hope they work for you :-) x

fairycazzie profile image

ps if it carrys on they should offer endoscopy!! which i been offered to have numerous times, unfortunately i struggle as my neck has not been good and you have to have your head on chest for about 20 mins and when your in pain and suffering thats not good idea. x

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