is this part of fm my nose runs constantly people at work think im forever having a cold but i rarely get colds just wondering if other fm suffers get this as well?
runny nose: is this part of fm my nose... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
runny nose
i dont know if it is a symptom
but i too always seem to have a runny nose
yes i too have always got a runny nose, i just put it down to the many niggling things that go along with dear fibro....
angied, i sympathies, i think we all suffer this from time to time.
membrane inflammation seems to be common in fibro and cfs, often sign of allergy or another frequent fibro symp 'inflammation of the sinuses''
The drip from sinus can also cause a nightly cough and pain in lung.
does not help our poor sleeping. an ENT specialist i was first sent to recommended 'SeaBreeze' which you buy at the chemist or on prescription. it a nasal spray of sea water. the salt helps bring down the inflammation. i swear by this...
i suffer with this and had it checked out by ent specialist and was told it was perennial rhinnitus , i believe thats all year round hay fever , i now inhale nasonex spray everyday and my nose is still dripping and running .
i dont have any allergys dont even suffer from hayfever and this has been going on for azbout 8 months i dont want anything for it i just have tissues around all the time just coinsideds with being diagnosed with fm. but i also have sleep apnea but have always had this and yes i wake up(if i can get some sleep!!) gasping but have always started breathing agian my dad has this also my briother but hes so bad he wears a mask at night cos he doesnt breath again always.
its just annoying more than anything
When I eat or drink its worse, but its constant
i get it but not as bad as my son did, i took both of us off dairy and that stopped it, dairy is mucous produceing , and they recon 80% of people are intolerant to it to one degree or another, maybe cut dairy out for a month and see if it helps
I have a permanent runny nose, was told that this is part of fibro x
i suffered with a persistent runny nose throughout my childhood, and being a kid i would use my hand or my cuff to wipe the snot,in the winter i would always have a blocked nose. the end result of the cuffing of my nose was a deviated septum, this led on to me struggling to breathe through my nose. at the age of 20 i had the septum carteidge removed, came round from that op with the worst neck pain for 4 days (since learnt that we should ask to have a soft collar but round the neck before op will help with preventing such pain)anyway once i recovered oh what joy at being able to breathe properly through my nose and at last i could enjoy a snog.