Hello,I have fibromyalgia and restless leg syndrome. Does anybody get twitches where their arms or legs just twitch for no reason? Sometimes my whole body can twitch and sometimes it does hurt. Last week I was twitching so bad that when I went upstairs to my bedroom. I couldn't more my legs and I fell forward, landing on the side of bed then bounced of bed and hit my head of bedside cabinet. I had to wait a few mins to stop twitching so bad before I could get up and lay down on bed. I do have a lump on my head where I hit the cabinet.
Twitches that can effect whole body - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Twitches that can effect whole body
Hi there, have you spoke to your GP. What you described seemed very extreme and painful.
There is something called
Dystonia it is the name for uncontrolled and sometimes painful muscle movements (spasms)
Hi As Dizzyrwo has said
Best to see your GP
That sounds scarry. If it continues to happen you might look into ways to get help,like alarms on a cord or mobile phone with a red button.
I hope your GP can help you find what's going on.
Take care
Hi, I have had similar but not as extreme as you. My twitches/spasms happen when I’m lying down. It’s not restless legs as I get that too. My body twitch from the waist down and can’t control it but it only lasts a few minutes. Bit scary but used to it now.
I think you need to talk to your GP too.
hi there
Yes it’s mainly my legs but i sometimes have it in my arms and lower back. As Su55anr said it’s when I am lying down. My GP just lumped it with the fibro as with every symptom I have.
never had the twitches in my arms but I do in my legs and mainly when I’m in bed . My husband said I have these spasms even in my sleep🫣this is apparently fibromyalgia symptoms to as my orthopaedic consultant has said
Yes I find that my legs twitch when I get to sleep so I then struggle to sleep
Sorry too read you had a fall and have a nasty bump, I agree I would differently take this up with your doctor for a piece of mind, I hope you get some answers and the right help xx
So sorry for your fall. Hope you have taken the advice to see your Gp. My hugs.