Not sure this will stay up,
This is one of the ways I manage some of the other problems that go hand in hand with my Fibro,☺️
Not sure this will stay up,
This is one of the ways I manage some of the other problems that go hand in hand with my Fibro,☺️
May I ask why you don't think your post will stay up ?
The last 1 wasn't actually taken down as sorts, Just no-one could reply, I think I'm more aware (or not) I just don't understand it 😳
No I can't see the other one or if this is the same one, I'm confused about the whole taking pics and putting them on for my Sis Smilesalot because I did it for her
Hi there, Debs , so your sister Smiles a lot has fibro like you ?my daughter has mild fibro ,I just hope she does not ever get it where it takes over, must be helpful too be able too talk too your sister as you have one condition in common xx