Hi, hope you are ok, as you know i miss working at cranfield, and i get fed up sometimes. I have passed my cybersecurity course which im happy about but ive looked into courses like access to higher education in computing which might help and an hnc or degree but i cant afford the fees because the courses are very expensive and want a course that is one day a week so i can pace myself and hope i would be okay doing it, im just feeling down being at home, although i emailed college for advice or apprenticeships but parttime because of fibro etc i hope it comes to something, feeling fed up and a little tearful, worried about the future, sorry for ranting thankyou in advance for advice x
College fees and feelung down sometim... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
College fees and feelung down sometimes...

I hope the College come back with advice ,it’s okay too feel worried but you are certaintly trying too move forward so think that you still have that fight left in you, let us know how you get on xx
Thanks, i'll let you know, i asked them if i could discuss about it and we will see what happens x
My daughter is doing her degree from home, couple times when she’s got behind theve also gave her more time too finish parts, she has fibro & endometriosis. 2 little boys @works in school 3 days a week so it can be hard going , I wish you all the best in going forward xx
Bless her, is she doing it with the OU, sorry to ask just interested x thankyou ill try x
Your welcome be great too see you get on a Course , assignments was the word i was looking for, sometimes with condition s or life in general theve give her a by (as they call it) poor girl failed her Maths twice needs an equivalent too GCSE 1(I couldn’t do it so hard)she wants too be a primary school teacher.xx
Have you tried the Open University?