Hi everyone i hope you are all okay as well as you can be, i am just feeling a bit down , i try to be upbeat with this condition but sometimes im not, i just worry about the future, money and work with this condition. I want to work and cranfield have said they will have me back which is good but i worry if housekeeping is okay for me in the long run, i am not sure what to do at the moment i worry whether ill ever move out of my parents place and feel like a third wheel and it makes me tearful sometimes, i hope something happens, im sorry for ranting i just wanted to get this off my chest. Any advice is welcome x😊😟
Feeling down and hoping for the futur... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Feeling down and hoping for the future.....

Hi FibrogirlGive yourself time to adjust and find what is best for you.
You may be grieving the life story you had written and trying to work out how it would be different.
Find out what helps you, I found I could do things others did without getting sick. Alcohol,exercise food, self care, I had to work out what was the best level for me.
When you find your balance you can see the future better. I need to respect getting enough sleep.
I had fibro for 20 years before diagnosis 13 years ago.
Yes it's not curable but with self care and support I have had a career,marriage,2 children,4 homes and many pets that have brought me joy and delight every day. I am in my 60s and have a business that is flexible and gives some income.
None of us know what will happen in life.
This website is a kind place to share the troubles we have and the pain we endure.
People on here have helped me shape my path. Listening to the experience of others can be scary. Be kind to yourself and work out your limits.
Yes we have struggles but we have joy too.
All the Best on this incredible journey.
Look after you
Hi I am sorry to hear you are feeling down, I also have days when I am feeling really low as well worrying about how I am going to cope financially and now I am out of work after years of working.
Fibromyalgia affects people differently. My gp has now gave me a letter for the gym 2 hours per week, going to the gym does not take my pain away but it helps a little moving my joints as I was advised by my g.p lying in bed every day will make the pain worse. But there are also days I can’t physically get out of bed.
Find the right balance for you that is the most important. I send you lots of love and good luck for the future
Did you ask for the letter or do you think i could get amembership so i can try swimming there or something which might help me, thankyou for your kind messagex
I got a GP referral to our local sports centre for a discounted membership that meant I could access the gym, sauna and steam room and pool. When you develop a condition that reduces your fitness it can become a vicious cycle. I got a covid-like virus before we even knew about Covid, I left hospital in a wheelchair and spent a couple of years needing a mobility scooter and walking sticks. However I found using the sports centre greatly improved my physical and mental well-being.
I've since had a hip replacement and Covid so stopped going. Something I intend to correct!

Hello, it’s okay too let your feelings out ,we differently need too every so often , always people here have total empathy and I know you have be wanting too go back too work, have you looked at the job pages too see if there’s anything else you could try and have some interviews too get a feel for a different sort of job ? I know being at home isn’t always idea, have you a tv or iPad you can take yourself off too your bedroom for some space , I know sometimes we just need too switch off even sometimes you can lose yourself in your favourite tv series or a film, listen too your favourite music , as much as I love my family having some space in my room is a must and also a place I can get comfy esepecially in the evenings . Xx
Hi fibrogirl41 😊🌿🌸🦋
I’m so sorry that you’re suffering so.
I’ve had fibromyalgia plus dozens of comorbidities for decades now. Diagnosed in late 20s with severe fibro.
It is only natural for you to be worried/scared about what the future holds for you. I do believe that most fibro patients feel fear uncertainty and the stress it all brings.
You should remember that stress will cause bad impacts on our bodies. The only thing you have control over on any given day is regarding whatever you face at that second, minute, hour, day. No one has the ability to know what our future will bring; even healthy people face this reality.
If you face life one day at a time living will be easier. As for your gentle rant…that’s okay because we all need to have these moments to clear out these negative feelings and move forward, which allows us to face the day with positivity.
When down time happens don’t beat yourself up over it. This is your body’s way of telling you it’s overloaded and needs a break. Don’t fret over housework undone because I can guarantee you that it isn’t going anywhere and will be waiting for you when you’re able.
As for working all you can do is try…your body will let you know if you can handle the work. If that job isn’t tolerable try another until you find the right one.
I’m sure living with your parents isn’t your first choice. As for feeling like a third wheel that’s understandable. If they are supporting loving about your living with them then be gracious and frequently verbal about your appreciation and love for them. Then when the day comes that you can be on your own how sweet that time will be.
Be kind and loving to yourself try to be as positive as possible… it really helps.
When things get tough redirect your thoughts by doing something easy like a hobby or easy listening music to occupy your time. Use lavender infusion therapy to bring a calming effect.
I hope this was helpful to you. I care about you. I pray for you (everyone) daily.
With gentle hugs love and prayers.
EvaJo aka/EJ 🤗♥️🥰🙏🕊🌿🌸🦋