Not sure how to feel any more,
Had a house inspection on Thurs, Then a letter this morning on behalf of landlords agency, It says amongst over things,
Following inspection we are concerned that proper care and attention to cleanliness is not being in line with the tenancy agreement, Where a lack of cleaning and care has not been addressed
It can result in damage to the property and can result in extra charges and in some cases an eviction may incur BLah blah BLAH!!
I rarely go down stairs and have not left the house apart from hospitals and other appointments for almost 3 years,, any time I mentioned the living space, Wonder Hubby, ( I would not cope if he was not here) Has said he was taking the stuff and clutter to the tip,
I can't exactly ask him to do house work as well as care for me,cooking ,shopping and washing,
Iv'e been down tonight to get my last drink, (Hubby brings me one usually) I'm shocked to say the letter was spot on, I thought that apart from my room looking like a craft shop has been robbed 😞 I piled all the boxes on to desk etc, so I could use my rug doctor,
I'm so ashamed, I used to clean all the time and was proud to have a lovely home and knew if any one came for a brew there was never the rush round like a headless chicken, I took John his drink and realised I have not seen his room for so long, Yikes!
Maybe that was why he would say he would always get me to stay upstairs so I didn't fall ????
They are coming back on 29th April to inspect again, I feel cheated by the Fibro and what it has taken from us, I wonder if that's we have had some really crap and ailments of recent?
I'm also a bit peed off at the letter also mentioned we would be charged for new carpets and redecorating????? Excuse me?? We had the house carpeted and we did all the decorating,😭
I really have been blinded by my depression, I'm at a lose,
1 room at a time, I'm not even sure if this is just the excuse the agency will be telling our landlord if they get us out they would get more rent as we are paying under the local recommendation rent for private renting,
I feel so overwhelmed,
Any one else have an issue with keeping up with cleaning??? I don't need advice on the actual process,Just the time managing
☹️☹️☹️☹️ I knew this would happen, I'm wide awake through worry,I used to rage clean before😠,I don't want to go down stairs now,I'll only wake the dog up and she'll think it's time to go out, I can't make a start on John's room, he's sleeping, I can't start my room because I'm not strong enough to move my bed 🥺, I seem to have this can't do attitude, It has to change it to I will,
I'm worried I'll make a start and then slip into another flare, I've just come out of a 6mth one, I really havn't got the energy to fight another right now,