so very sad and scammed: My god, What... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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so very sad and scammed

Debsdelight72 profile image
28 Replies

My god, What else could possibly go wrong??

So, we have tried really hard to spend good quality time and loving cuddles together Pup, lola, Lucy (3) and Pickle (ancient) A huge problem has arisen,

The Pup and Lucy absolutely hate each other,They would try and kill each other even through the stair gate, Continued barking through the night as well as the day! From day 1 up till now it's been the same, We called the lady to ask If they had any advice and low and behold, No such number??

Keep trying to remember the so called company name to no avail, I can't believe what's being done here, We called our nearest Dogs Trust and have so sadly handed her over, Apparently this is not news to them, I broke down because while Lucy was not at Pup's throat she was an absolute darling.

I fear my life isn't great for me at the moment and I'm back in my bed with the sobs and the

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Debsdelight72 profile image
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28 Replies
Celticdancer profile image

Best to not trust what you see, read and hear on the internet, TV, radio too much as there are too many scams out there. Just have the one dog and don`t get any more as dogs are treated like babies nowadays and require alot of looking after and probably your older dog was jealous of the puppy and didn`t take kindly to a new kid on the block. I like dogs but I do not have a dog or a cat as they`re far too much looking after, too much hassle and too much money. I`m on a low income and cannot afford an expensive pet. I don`t want to get any infections or rabies from the dog. I don`t believe dogs should be kept indoors unless its a service dog or lap dog - it`s unhygienic. Muslim countries see dogs and cats as unclean and prohibit keeping them indoors and not usually as pets. I don`t blame them.

If I had a dog or cat and it had vomiting and diarrhoea then how do you clean it up if you`re in loads of pain and inflammation. It`s really unhygienic and adds more stress onto your life you don`t need. I think of worse case scenario.

Debsdelight72 profile image
Debsdelight72 in reply to Celticdancer

Thank you for your reply, I think us brits are a country of animal lovers and there are not a lot of people wouldn't dream on leaving their animals outside and it has proven that stroking an animal can lower your heart and helps to relax,

I've always had animals, I don't think I could do without them in my life, Which is the reason why Hubby and I were upset, I never entertained the thought of not getting the money back we paid for her and the things we brought her,

As for cleaning up sick and diarrhoea, My first thought would be ,I hope my animal is not ill or if I should call the vet after I'd cleaned, the same as if I had children

Charliebear1234 profile image
Charliebear1234 in reply to Debsdelight72

Hi there debsdelight72, you sound a very lovely person and I know what you mean stoking and loving your animal having it beside you is amazing company when your poorly in pain , I have fibro and my cat is everything to me he's my world and I love him so , I'm sorry for what you been through , but there another of nasty people out there scamming , ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Debsdelight72 profile image
Debsdelight72 in reply to Charliebear1234

Thank you

deejames profile image
deejames in reply to Celticdancer

In my experience keeping a pet or two is of benefit to those who are ill or in chronic pain. They are wonderful companions and often give people a real reason to keep on going when things are bad. Properly looked after pets are no more unhygienic than many people. I don't know anyone who has caught an infection from a dog but plenty who catch infections from other humans. Rabies is virtually unknown in this country !

Studies have shown that stroking and caring for an animal can reduce stress and calm anxiety. Certainly when I am in pain being with my cats helps to get me through those bad times. Yes animals have a cost if they are cared for properly but for me that cost is well worth it.

Janecc12 profile image

So sorry for your doggie problems. We have two greyhounds and fortunately they are great together. I don't know what that below is on about! Pets are great for your health and as caring owners we quite rightly care for them ... In sickness and health. Cuddle your dog and enjoy her company - I hope your heart heals soon. Gentle hugs x

admin: removed comment. As per rules if you find something objectionable then report it and do not name call as it just makes things worse. This is a support group.

Debsdelight72 profile image
Debsdelight72 in reply to Janecc12

Thankyou, I thought I was just being over sensitive about the , I've awoke this morning and it's so very quiet, We feel empty, Thank you for your hugs and understanding x

admin: removed comment. As per rules if you find something objectionable then report it and do not name call as it just makes things worse. This is a support group.

Janecc12 profile image
Janecc12 in reply to Debsdelight72

I know exactly how you feel sweetheart. Time heals. Xxx

Debsdelight72 profile image
Debsdelight72 in reply to Janecc12

Thank you x

Knightqueen84 profile image

Really sorry the other doggo didn't work out but you done the right thing for both of them. Just like us humans not all dogs get along. No ones fault. When your heart heals and if you want to try again with another doggo maybe see if the seller/rescue center will let the doggos meet to see if they like each other. If possible a second meet at your home just to make sure.

Hope this helps, sending gentle hugs x

Debsdelight72 profile image
Debsdelight72 in reply to Knightqueen84

Thank you funnily enough it's what we asked at the Dogs Trust,

We will see in a couple of years

Pain_warrior profile image

Please don't let this experience put you off. I have 2 chihuahuas and a huge moggie and they are my life. I live alone with my pets and honestly, they are the best medicine for my mental state of mind. My dogs accepted my cat( as a kitten) with no issues and infact, the cat now rules our pack.I live with loads of pain and have done now for many years but I can honestly say that on my worse days, it's my pets that get me through. They sense when I'm having a bad day and never leave my side. Be kind to yourself right now and don't beat yourself up for rehousing your dog. You did the responsible thing for all concerned, and ignore anyone who tries to put you off keeping pets. They can prove to be the best medicine and 💯 should NOT be left outside. 🤗

Debsdelight72 profile image
Debsdelight72 in reply to Pain_warrior

Thank you, As a child I remember we had a spaniel and the person who gave birth to me (sorry I can not call it anything else) She had her tied up in the shed,No blanket ot anything, My brothers used to sneak her out whenever we could, To see her wagging her tail so hard and enjoying everything around was worth a beating,

Celticdancer profile image

Anyone reading this with regards to mentioning pets in PIP assessments, disability claims, judges, DWP, councils etc need to be careful because I`ve read and been told that the assessor can adversely judge you if you have pets like dogs and cats. Their first thought could be if you live alone then who cleans up after the dog/cat if they mess, who takes the dog for a walk etc. They might think if you reply that you do it yourself then you`re not as ill as what you say you are if you have the ability to bend down and put food out/clean up after the cat/dog and are able to walk the dog. If you reply that you have somebody else to come in and help you with your pets, the assessor might think you don`t need the disability benefit because you have people to help you and you`re not as needy as others who don`t have anyone to help them.

Also the assessor might think you have alot of money if you can afford to keep expensive pets like dogs and cats (as vets bills can run into thousands, pet insurance can only cover so much) so you`re not as needy for this benefit money as much as someone else.

You`re damned if you do and damned if you don`t. Pets are an individual choice and you can do what you want and have 10 dogs/cats if you want but the above situations have happened to people especially if they get an unkind, non-compassionate assessor. I`ve been told by citizens advice several times by different advisors that they`ve seen people come in on zimmer frames/walkers and still be refused PIP.

Debsdelight72 profile image
Debsdelight72 in reply to Celticdancer

Lucky I don't live alone and had a much nicer assessor as she awarded me enhanced.

All my animals are house-trained and very healthy, They are not too expensive if looked after properly, The dogs go to the groomers every other month and have been spayed and have all their booster jabs,As said before about an assessor, They can't exclude you if you have animals,In fact I was in a lot of pain when I had an assesment I used a special pole in which you place a poo bag over the top and TDA I also have a very strong grabber that has a good reach to get them food, I think animals are better then humans, (my opinion)

I am truly sorry for you if you have never had the chance to feel the love and loyalty that only brings so much joy, I have nothing more to add to the subject thankyou.

Also I have a gadget, It fits onto my wheelchair and the collar of the dog, We can go out without worries about running over the dog,

And we don't have rabies in this country

LhasaMomma profile image
LhasaMomma in reply to Celticdancer

Interesting comments ....... However, most of us who are genuinely disabled by illnesses such as Fibromyalgia, run our lives in a very organised manner as it is the only way to survive successfully! I have both a dog and cat ..... I also have a large enclosed back garden which means my little dog can run around freely if she needs to "nip out". I took photographs to show the assessor. She toilets in one spot at the top behind all the greenhouses and my gardener covers it. I also have a monthly groomer who pops around twice a week to provide her with a long walk ...... And found a local little park with lots of doggy parents where I can sit on a seat close by the entrance and she can play with her buddies (another photo). Trust me, the PiP Assessors do not consider how much you can afford ...... As one said to me, rightly or wrongly, "You worked for thirty five years full time and are hardly one of the shirkers trying to get every bit of government money that's available". I have since spoken through work with a couple of nurses who did Assessor work and I was really surprised. I am not saying that this is right or wrong, just what I was informed. One of the biggest "headlights" is the individual who has spent a lot of their adult life on UC without any previous disability. They also talked of people coming in stinking of booze or cigarettes and then talking of vague stomach issues or lung problems. They have "codes" they use which mean morbidly obese to those reading the reports. Basically, you are then two steps backwards because of your own lifestyle choices ...... It then means you are left going those extra two steps in proving your illnesses and disabilities would be there regardless of lifestyle. It is a minefield but having heard some of the complete lies and rubbish that are told to Assessors, I am know far more understanding and accept that it is the person applying who needs to prove need and not the Assessors to find ways to wriggle out of payment. And let me reiterate for those who are new ..... PiP is not means tested.

Jobwise, I am a Medical Biochemist whose initial medical degree was specialising in Virology ...... Dogs and cats are not "dirty" ...... Anymore than the humans, especially children, that you reside with. The people who over worry about such things often have mental health issues such as anxiety or obsessive compulsive disorders so please take those type of comments with a very big pinch of salt. I've witnessed a patient having hysterics about being treated medically by "dog owners" who would bring in "nasty things" (one of the doctors had a photo of his dog on his noticeboard) ...... In fact, her health issue was as a result of not washing her hands outside if she went to the loo (because the taps were dirty) and then eating with her hands because she didn't trust the cutlery. When people are suffering from fears like these, we have to remember that it is not a logical illness and show them patience and kindness ..... But not allow their ideas to make you feel guilty or foolish.

I am so sorry to hear that your new pup didn't work out. Jealousy is very real between dogs. My baby loves her kitty brother and is a very easy going girl ...... But, if her brother climbs on top of me in bed to cuddle, then she will put him in his place by barking loudly in his face ..... "MY MOMMY!!!!!" . However, at bedtime when they are coming in, they wait for each other on the doorstep ...... One will go look for the other ...... And they have this little lean heads in, touch cheeks, and chirrup to say "Good! You're in!" .I

Sorry, this end up a longer reply than intended!

Debsdelight72 profile image
Debsdelight72 in reply to LhasaMomma

Thank you, I

Dinkie profile image
Dinkie in reply to Celticdancer

It's nothing to do with the assessor how the PIP applicant spends their money. It is not a income based benefit. Should a claimant want to spend on drink or cigarettes or their pet it is irrelevant.

LhasaMomma profile image
LhasaMomma in reply to Dinkie

Interestingly, one of the nurses (ex PiP Assessors) I spoke with said she often had people apologise for comments claimants would make on how they spent the money ...... She would always say that it wasn't her business ..... The money is to help a disabled person live THEIR quality of life. For me, that's a weekly gardener and fortnightly cleaner ..... The garden because it is often all the outside world I see for days on end ...... The cleaner because there are so many things I struggle to do now. A friend who is also on PiP, uses their money for a taxi to and from town, and a coffee and piece of cake to cheer her up (her MS leaves her depressed and lonely). She also buys organic food rather than cheaper supermarket.

Whatever gets you through another day!!!

Dinkie profile image
Dinkie in reply to LhasaMomma

Exactly, thankfully I can still work although only part time. If I didn't work I would not be able to afford the gardener who keeps my late husband's pride and joy of a garden up to scratch, I couldn't afford the occasional help in the house to do all those DIY things I can no longer do. It's a personal choice and thank goodness we can all make choices in our life without being dictated to. It's that old saying "yer pays yer money and takes yer choice"😏

Debsdelight72 profile image
Debsdelight72 in reply to Dinkie


RustyOBear profile image

A sad post and I won’t be adding a personal opinion since the topic of pets, rather like politics and religion seem to illicit strong opinions.

It’s the first time I’ve read a thread on this site that began to resemble a social media one, with some judgemental and name calling comments.

There were some helpful comments and the usual kindness that is the more usual response to a post shown so I hope this was just a blip?

Debsdelight72 profile image
Debsdelight72 in reply to RustyOBear

Truly a blip Sorry, I did wonder why I came off social media 5yrs ago,

Sorry again I don't know? I'll put it down to grief on my behalf

DoubleMalibu profile image

To refer to another member as a because they have a different opinion on animals, is immature & not pleasant to read.

After a week of thoughtless comments by others on here this week, impacting other members health.

Maybe you could both show some common courtesy to others & not name call.

admin: removed comment. As per rules if you find something objectionable then report it and do not continue the conversation or try to "solve" the issue yourself.

Also as explained elsewhere this site is reactively moderated so when we receive reports and the volunteers they will look at the reports and action as required.

Debsdelight72 profile image
Debsdelight72 in reply to DoubleMalibu

So sorry if you feel that way, I only posted this comment yesterday, So I'm not sure what you are commenting for,

I personally am not making you sick,And won't change my postings,A lot of crappy things have gone on recently and I have taken words of my Fibro family and feel comforted by others that have experienced similar things,

Pain_warrior profile image

You're so right about social media and I think it can bring out the worse in people and all the keyboard warriors out there.... normally I scroll on by without commenting but I'm afraid the post on your thread, did trigger me, because of how deeply I love my fur family, and if ever anyone, in authority or not, attempted to penalise me for keeping them then yet another part of me would emerge and I'd fight them through courts of necessary. For some people, like myself, our pets are much more than pets. They are our healers and quite often they are our only company. Sorry your post seemed to be hijacked but it at least took my mind off my own pain. Big hugs 🫂 🤗

Dinkie profile image

Dogs, like humans and virtually every other animal have their likes and dislikes and can fall out, even when they have been friends for a long time. You did exactly what was right for you and them. We can't have the stress and anxiety in ours or their lives, it just isn't fair. I am sure the right home will be found. Years ago I had several dogs (long before I became too ill to look after them all) they had lived happily for years then one decided he couldn't stand two of the others for a reason I could not fathom. Anyway to cut a long story short, I rehomed him, cried buckets but when I saw him several months later he was much more chilled and enjoying his new life and peace was restored in my home.

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee

Locking this post as it has lost its way a bit. Please remember to report things and not react to them.

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