Hi i have my pip review next week by phone doe's anyone know how long it takes for the decision. Thanks nerves reck.x
Pip Review : Hi i have my pip review... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pip Review

Hello , I hope all goes well for you , i am sure some members will pop on the forum soon with their experiences and helpful hints x
Can people work 16 hours max a week while on PIP like they can on ESA benefits?
You can work full time, PIP is not a means tested benefit. I would imagine that not many claiming PIP are capable of fulltime employment though.
Once the decision is made it’s a pretty quick process for payment. Check your bank account as it usually gets paid in before you get the decision letter.
Just read your post again and it’s a review. Usually around 2-6 weeks max.
It states up to 12 weeks depending on any backlogs etc.
Good luck.
Hello I had a review in October and it took about 3 weeks before got decision I rang enquiry line it had result before letter came and I asked lady how long award was also goodluck with your review I personally had it recorded and had a benefit Advisor with me so I think the information given is used rather than miss interpreted best wishes
Hello, good luck with your review, do you have anyone who can support you with the call? My son joined me with mine and was really helpful in expressing how he helps me. At the start of the call I said I would like a copy of the reviewers report, that arrived within a few days of the review and gives a fairly good indication of what the decision maker will do.My award stayed the same and my decision maker seemed to follow the reviewers report, I was lucky enough to have my answer in a couple of weeks and an award for 4 years this time.
You can work and get PIP, I work full time but at home, it's exhausting and takes everything out of me but is also good for my mental health as I feel useful!
Good luck with your review, I hope it goes well - my lady was lovely, I hope you have a similar person. Xx
Hi… I had my pip review and got the decision about 3 weeks later. The review took over an hour.
Hi ST0264.
Did U fill in a form to reapply for PiP ?
If so how long ago did U fill out said form to them sending U a date for a telephone review ?
For me my previous award was due to end in January 2024. However I recieved a form to reapply for PiP back in December 2022.
Within a few days I got a text to say they've received my application ( I already knew as I sent it as a 24 hour special delivery via the Royal Mail.
Then about 6 months later I got another text from them to say that they still have my form & not to worry as I will continue receiving payments until my case has been looked. That was June 2023.
Then at the end of September& beginning of October I got another text to say a decision has been made but to wait until my letter arrived & all they did was extend it at the same rate it was at previously, no uplift or backdated uplift just as it was but its the same rate as it was 10 years ago. Its a god send & so I know I'm not gonna be splashing out on anything.
Ok, remember to remain calm when the phone rings, will U have someone with U to act as ur advocate if it gets to much for U ? If not try to have someone with U even if its just to normalise ur surroundings.
Now don't be afraid to ask if the person conducting the interview has any experience of how a back operation that goes wrong can be. Take down their name & ask for their credentials ( cuz if it turns out they're a phlebotomist ( bloods dept) then how the bad op affects ur body. Yet they must make the decision )
Do U need walking aids to get around the house let alone outside ? ( I use crutches outside the home & walking stick in the house as I'm too vain to use my wheelchair on my bad days ) . Make sure that they stick to task & if U don't feel comfortable about a question or it's a question that has nothing to do with ur condition , then pull them up & say how does this question correlate with my condition.
They try to trip U up & don't minimise ur pain & tell them how U are on ur worst days ( we all have more bad days than easy days & we have more very bad days than we have easy days.
Make sure U tell them how it is on the really bad days & with winter now here I know my workable joints have a bad time & my lower back is in severe pain & I can't move it's that bad & it's a day of hot water bottle on the area.
If U can record the conversation then do so & let them know U are but after U have written their name & job they do. Realistically a person can only do 3 interviews a day IF they do them properly BUT it's very heavily incentivised if they can do more interviews per day ... it used to be about £75 per interview but imagine U do 10 a day at 20 minutes to half hour per person that can be upto £750 in a day & I believe some still work from home & only the face to face are in the office , not sure if phone interviews are office based or work from home based.
OK that's a lot I've mentioned & it's OK not to take it all on board but write things down & write any questions U need to ask down too so U don't forget them.
Don't let them bully U or force U to answer leading questions . They do it often that over 98% of appeals were overturned upon appeal.
However it's been claimed they've improved the way things are done but for me this time I didn't need to see anyone .
So be calm & have some tea & soft drink near by so U don't get dry mouth.
As U have said U had a back operation & it was a bad outcome & things are as they were & it affects all aspects of ur life now as U can work due to pins & needles constantly , I get that too even after 15yrs & it comes & goes when it wants to.
If U need to ask any other in depth questions inbox me & I will try to answer ur questions. I know there are some things that no one else needs to know & I give U my word any thing said to me in confidence stays as such.
I wish U love & light on ur journey.
I got a text inside2 weeks