I had my PIP review form at the beginning of the year, and they received it end of February. I’ve had a few texts to say they still have my form and are waiting to review. Yesterday I had a letter saying they’re extending my award to November 2025. My blue badge runs out at the end of this month, which is going to be a nightmare for me. Has anybody else got this issue? Can anything be done to reapply for a new badge? I hate all the uncertainty these reviews cause. 😩
PIP Review, Award Extended. - Fibromyalgia Acti...
PIP Review, Award Extended.

just send in a copy of the letter with your renewal application. Blue badges in our area are awarded without PIP. I got mine with just an interview and doctor’s letter.
Be aware just because they’ve extended it for a year they can call you for review at any time. My relative was called weeks after getting an extension letter for a year and had his telephone assessment.
Hi, yes my review should have been done last year, but I kept getting text messages saying they have still got my renewal to do but not to worry they would still pay me my pip until they had done my renewal. They've only just done it so there is a massive backlog.
My blue badge was due to run out at the same time. I went online to renew my blue badge, they renewed it but only for 1 year at the same cost......
I've had the same thing my letter came saying they are extending until November 2025
You can apply for the blue badge at least a month before it runs out. I'd do it now as your still entitled. All the best 😍
Hi Miss_Pricklepants
Just to let you know I applied for my blue badge in the end through the website (without my pips review being carried out as I’m still waiting for that) I also got help from the council who issue my badge. Although it took me a little long than it should have as I have been poorly and having lots of falls now and had another which I had to have head glued ended up with black eyes and bruises all over along with other injuries. My head hit a brick wall and then concrete but I’m back on my feet now 😊.
I applied by listing my heath issues and supplied copies of letters from my doctors to prove my disability. This was done after asking for help on here and all the help and advice I received was very much appreciated and so helpful my blue badge is on its way now and doesn’t expire until 2027.
People are so kind and helpful it’s just the getting use to reaching out when I have always been a person who had always just pulled my sleeves up and got on with it so to speak.
Wishing you good luck hope you sort it soon - take care xx
If they are extending till November 2025 then re apply for the badge, as long as you have a current award they should re issue it.