is it possible to get a decision for pip without a face to face or telephone appointment. The reason am asking this is because I have been told this morning that my claim is in the final stages and just a case manager to read through my assessment and then should hear decision in 2/3 weeks.
no assessment : is it possible to get a... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
no assessment

Yes- this happened to my mum, no assessment at all. She was one of the lucky ones, dodging that is great, absolute rubbish if you have to go through it though x
Yes, it means you have given them enough information to base your claim on and for them make their decision.
Would you say that it’s looking like I will possibly get a positive out come. Because am thinking if they wasn’t sure then surly they would do a face to face /telephone appointment etc . How could they refuse if they just decided on paper only they haven’t even done a face to face /telephone assessment and that would not seem fair . I was discussing this with my mum and she said I must appeal if I get refused .
Can I ask you, what sort of evidence did you supply with your pip claim?x
Hi Juciy123 - it's what's called a 'paper based assessment.' As Dizzytwo says, they can make a decision based on the info you've already sent, so no assessment is needed. Usually such paper based assessments are indeed positive.
Hope you let us all know.
of course
Hi Juciy123, the same thing happened to me. I sent my forms off and the next thing I heard (16 weeks later) was that I had been awarded enhanced for both parts. No phone call or face to face. They didn’t say why. The money was in my bank before the letter arrived to tell me about it so keep an eye on your account. I hope you get a good outcome, please let is know either way. I find it very interesting to hear about experiences with PIP good and bad
Aww brilliant news for you . I am hoping it’s a good out come for myself too . I will keep everyone updated .
Can I ask what you sent for evidence too . My claim started at the end of May . So I have been waiting since 1st September Shri they received my forms .
Just an update . 3 weeks ago was told on the final stage . Today was told they have till the 18th October to make decision and it’s still not been picked up by the case officer . My claim started on the 25th May ! The lady was very helpful and said she couldn’t see any other notes on my case it was just a case of waiting for final decision. I still have not been contacted for assessment face to face or telephone .
yes, I got it backdated 16 weeks paid as a lump sum. Supporting evidence I sent was medical history from GP, physio report, printout of medications, carers statement, 3 x supporting letters from people that know me, a daily diary of the previous week plus a couple of extra things I can’t remember (there was 10 things altogether). x
Hi I had a PIP review submitted September 22 it to nine months but I got a decision without any face to face meeting or phone call. It also runs until 2027 so I got it for 4 years instead of the usual 2. I think the fact I attend a pain management group and had had 2 OT assessments since the previous application made a huge difference.
Hope you get a positive outcome 🤞