have been suffering with fibromyalgia for some time now was advised to apply for pip told them certain things I can and cant do never lied can’t wash properly so daughters help me shower my daughters both work full time so meals Can be awkward at times use a walking stick due to mobility and low and behold never got a single point they actually said if I can use a walking stick I can cook for myself who in gods name make these decisions 😡
pip rejected : have been suffering with... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
pip rejected

Please ask for a mandatory reconsideration. This sort of decision making happens all the time and you must find the strength to fight back. Ask your daughters to write letters confirming the difficulties you have and how much help they have to give. If the MR fails then you must take the next step and take it to appeal. More than 70% of those who do that will end up with an award or an improved award so the additional stress will likely be worth it in the end. Try to read up on the PIP criteria and you will see where you should have been awarded points. For instance, I got 2 points as I need to sit down whilst preparing ingredients for meals. This is a common scenario with fibromyalgia and similar conditions. Hope this helps.
Hi. I have just had my pip assessment over the phone today and it was awful. The questions they ask like they think we are lieing. She seemed to be trying to catch me out right through the assessment. Mine lasted 50 minutes and then she said you will be hearing from us in 6 to 8 weeks with an outcome of today and then asked me if I had any questions for her. I couldn’t think of any
good morning, I think from reading posts that people apply for PIP not fully understanding the claiming criteria or the descriptors. At little time looking online for PIP information will help in filling in the application form.
The questions can be very confusing on the form. I used the Scope website and it went through each question, giving examples of things I hadn't thought about. I had a telephone assesment and I photocopied the form before I submitted it, so I had a record of my answers, the assessor tried to catch me out a few times, but I corrected her each time, my assesment lasted 50 minutes. I thought it went OK, but wasn't hopeful as I'd heard so many get refused, so was so shocked when I I was awarded enhanced for both first time.
Hi I am sorry to hear this. I have also just been rejected for pip. I requested the report today and I have been declined for everything. Apparently I don’t have brain fog because I remembered my medical history. I don’t have any mental health because I have no hospital inputs. I have not seen an ot or not seeing a councillor this also went against me. because I worked full time 4 months ago then apparently there is nothing wrong with me, even though I explained I had to change my day shifts because my body could not cope with the work with the pain , fatigue and brain fog. I don’t have anxiety because there is not enough evidence even tho my gp notes confirm this and I am on medication for it. Assessor lied about how far I could walk. On most of the pages it refered to me working full time 4 months ago and I would of been able to do everything then. They will not review this now for 2 years, this is what it states on the report. I have also had no referrals to the pain team but I am waiting on to see physiotherapist. It just keeps repeating reported restrictions not supported because I used to work full time with mental health.
Hi have a look at the group below!! I joined & followed their advice on how to complete the application and awarded Enhanced rate for both mobility & living ... if you havent explained well enough in your first application just re-start rather than attempt to appeal & be rejected !! [ trust me its worth it in the end as they will back date payments.]The groups called