PIP Rant: I have just received my PIP... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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PIP Rant

Marieg1270 profile image
23 Replies

I have just received my PIP outcome and surprise it's a rejection and I have now spent 45 minutes on the phone trying to speak to someone to object to the decision. Do these people not listen to what is being said and also not realise the stress flare ups they cause.

I honestly do not understand why we have to go through an assessment over the phone if what is said is then not taken in to consideration. They have basically scored 0 for everything except moving around which is 4!!!

Apologies for ranting but it makes me so angry that people who really don't feel good, have worked all their lives, paid 40% tax have to jump through hoops to get some help back.

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Marieg1270 profile image
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23 Replies
Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff

And the added stress does not help us either. Our benefits team can send you guidelines on appealing the decision

FMA UK benefits helpline information
Bananas5 profile image

Thankfully, in spite if what people think, UK is still a 'free' country.

Disability doesn't look round and say...he is working harder than her ////or someone earms more therefore is more important....so lets sytike her down with a debilitating illness

Its mowing what info DWP will look for in key words and phrases not how much the applicant writes or says.

Benefits and Work is the best site around and will gve you all the info you need.


Farmerboy profile image
Farmerboy in reply to Bananas5

good morning this comment goes to all who receive their PIP award notification letter and you are disappointed. When you first apply for PIP read what the descriptors are and if you fit into any of the criteria. If you do fit then think long and hard how to describe your inability to preform the tack safely repeatedly and in a timely manner. Repeat this for all the descriptors, by looking on the Benefits and Works dote you can take a free PIP assessment test and the results will give you an indication of your eligibility for PIP. If you feel that by doing the test honestly not pulling the wool over your own eyes then apply giving as much information and examples of what happens each time you try to preform each of the descriptors. It’s only by being honest with yourself as any F2F assessment will have to justify your answers submitted in your PIP application form. Always request the assessment report a week after your assessment then on reading the report you can see what your award will be and if an MR is required then you have extra time to collect prepare evidence ect to submit your MR once you have received your award notification letter.

CheetieCat profile image

Lots of good information on this recent thread


CM1EDSUK profile image

Hi - unfortunately when you ring 'the DWP' you are only speaking to call handlers who can't (or shouldn't) give benefits advice.

You can do a Mandatory Reconsideration where another decision maker will look at everything again. This is best put in writing giving a couple of detailed examples (for the time when you had your assessment) as to the difficulties you face reliably attempting those applicable activities/descriptors. Please look at the thread linked to above.

Remember assessors are not there to just write down what you say, but also form their own opinion, tho we know this often seems to be wrong. Do put your decision letter behind you & concentrate now on where you should have gained points for any applicable descriptor, & why. Unless their are one or 2 absolutely irrefutable inaccuracies in your decision letter, these are not worth mentioning. Please do write a Mandatory Reconsideration giving a couple of instances of the difficulties you face; this makes such an appeal relevant & individual to yourself. You can do this.

Nitroblonde20 profile image

Don't think they do listen time and time again! Have had to fight because they have stopped mine its ridiculous when it was disability I had it high rate indefinitely now every time I have a review its reduced or stopped you get tired of fighting for what you are entitled to keep going through don't let them win x

Michelleswshopping profile image

Hope u get somewhere with it . That's why I want go for it . Alot of stress I got a disabled badge so I'm happy with that . They put there foot down with some people and not other those who are genuine is a joke xx

Meditationlover profile image

It just doesn't make any sense at all, glad you ate going to fight this though

Winnie123xxx profile image

Pip are getting so much worse! My sister got rejected and she had a spinal fusion 4 months ago! But keep going, keep appealing.

I had to do that and I eventually got it. I’m just sorry it’s such a horrible process to go through.

Will keep my fingers crossed 🤞 for you xxx

Farmerboy profile image
Farmerboy in reply to Winnie123xxx

A lot of miss information has been posted on social media and this has given people a false impression of their eligibility for PIP. Many assume that because they have a similar situation conditions or diagnosis that they are entitled to PIP. The Benefit PIP is awarded on your abilities or inabilities to preform the PIP descriptors safely repeatedly and in a timely manner many can preform some of the descriptors ok or partially so giving supporting evidence to back up you claim with actual examples of what happens or has happened when you try to preform each descriptor will go a long way. Using the correct language to explain yourself .

RustyOBear profile image

It’s frustrating and it feels personal. Take a deep breath, punch the pillow and let it out. Don’t dwell on it, and do whatever helps to calm your central nervous system and relaxes your muscles.

It’s perverse and unkind but rejecting your claim is par for the course.

You’ve done the hard work, now you may need a hand to refine your application as the next step is to appeal. Appeals are often where you can succeed.

Citizens Advice or other local groups that advise on benefits can support you. It’s so important as it avoids the sense of overwhelm- a trouble shared is a trouble halved.

Good luck with your appeal.

LadyJoro profile image

Request a full copy of the report

Say you are filing for a mandatory reconsideration

Book an appointment with citizens advice and have them write your appeal letter with you, they are really helpful and know how to write these things.

Emacosta profile image


Don’t give up . Do it again and get help from citizens and advise or the welfare rights and get everything from the doctors.

Keep going okay

LhasaMomma profile image

A neighbour applied, and was rejected, for PiP in the last year. She was livid. I asked her what was wrong .... "Fibromyalgia" she replied. She was on her way out to go bowling with friends. Much later, she came around to explain that she often got aches and pains, had looked online, after eight tests proving she didn't have multiple sclerosis or arthritis, they had tentatively diagnosed fibromyalgia. Her words ..... "Great! Now I have a diagnosis it guarantees me a free car and money!". I kid you not ..... She managed a walking holiday in the Lakes, goes bowling, line dancing but thought the diagnosis alone was enough. Are you surprised that they make us jump through hoops given the people who don't actually need it but who apply? I've decided that they figure the false idiots will simply give up and be weeded out. Definitely fight on .... But yes, take a very hard look at what you cannot do anymore and what causes you excessive pain and write it down in detail. During my first PiP interview, I explained the tiny seemingly irrelevant ways my day is adversely affected - what I had unwittingly done was given some of the little signs which confirmed my disability. Nothing is too small. Good Luck.

Dizzytwo profile image
DizzytwoModerator in reply to LhasaMomma

Thank you for sharing this xx

CheetieCat profile image
CheetieCat in reply to LhasaMomma

Great reply!

I'm forever being told I should 'claim' benefits by my work colleagues and I'm forever telling them I don't fit the criteria. I'm totally exhausted - Yes, but I still manage to work 30 - 35 hours a week in quite a physically demanding & sometimes stressful role.

For me to even consider applying would be ludicrous!

So when you see the "If you have any of these conditions ....... You could be claiming for this that and the other" in the newspaper adds, it really sends the wrong message and honestly just makes it harder for genuine claimants.

Weeding out the genuine in need people from the not so genuine must be so difficult. Honestly wouldn't do their job for a 💩load of money!

LhasaMomma profile image
LhasaMomma in reply to CheetieCat

Me too!! I worked full time for almost ten years after diagnosis ..... Work helped by providing special chairs for my desk and in the lab. The last three years, I couldn't manage the walk between buildings but, I bought my scooter and they found a safe place to secure it. I didn't claim during that time. My colleagues were very supportive of myself and another lady who had MS.

1whitestar profile image

I am sorry to here this. It is very stressfull. I feel the same about this and still waiting to here from the tribunal. Nearly a year now.

Midori profile image

Don't bother to phone; write to them, explaining why you think their decision is wrong. Send it in a way you can prove it has gone to them; a signature at their end is a good step.

Personally, I send Everything via Special delivery, Because they can deny receipt of Recorded.

Cheers, Midori

Jojo-Rees profile image

My daughter tried to get pip as she has server social Anxiety and at the time had taken 2 over doses. They declined her's. We have since found out she is also autistic so will be applying again.

Alecinthesun profile image

The whole thing is corrupt. We can't change it unless the whole of the UK revolts government and demands that everything, including disability benefits, is changed, to be fair. Knowing this basic fact (i.e. it is *loody corrupt) then you have no other option to play their game. Their game is about using the right words, certain words act as triggers. Certain phrases act like triggers also. The communication of words, phrases, and your needs act like a key to unlocking it. It's like taking an exam and knowing what the examiner is looking for. I needed a face-to-face GP appointment, I kept getting palmed off with a telephone appointment. It wasn't until I phoned 8am (it had to be 8am) and I said some magic words to the receptionist, and bingo I got the appointment immediately. It's all about the words you use and how you describe your needs, think about your needs. It's not necessary what is wrong with you and that's what is fundamentally stupid about the system.

You can ask for a mandatory reconsideration and then you can take it to tribunal. In the mandatory reconsideration, maybe ask for support from the citizen's advice bureau and think about the words, phrases to use etc. The resources that other people below suggested are very good. Personally, I like the advice from Benefits and Work, I remember using the word safely, you have to be able to do things safely, that's important....


Most claims do get overturned at tribunal, so it's worth fighting for, good luck x

Alecinthesun profile image


I forgot to add, this is something that can trip people up. Fibro is a variable condition so you have good days and bad days, try to think about what you are like on a bad day, it is necessary to cover yourself, you could be bad (hopefully not) for a potentially long time (honestly I hope not) but you need to be prepared for that and that's why I think it's a good idea to answer the questions based on your worst day(s).

Morethanthis profile image

I got my pip stopped back in 2018 I went and got advice from dundee law society I ended up taking them to a tribunal got the daily living allowance back and a nice lump sum of backdated money.

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