hi all just want to ask I’m just learning Iv been avin flares everyday avnt had Ay break from the pain an tiredness tummy aches it’s exhausting anyone felt this way lately what avenue u done to help your self love an light xx
fibro flares: hi all just want to ask I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
fibro flares

Reckon you know what needs fixing first. That rotten hurty tummy! If the GP hasn't helped and often they don't, read up about stuff like probiotics, SIBO, IBS natural remedies to help. Maybe if you have the funds see a good alternative practitioner that specialises in Digestive issues?
If you are not getting your nutrients you will naturally be fatigued. It also affects sleep, pain, mood, anxiety, everything really.
A good multi Vitamin might be a good idea. If you do, look for one that is easy to absorb.
Oh and think about relaxation and meditation. Tummy issues all benefit from us being more relaxed. Don't fixate on how you, like most fibros, find relaxation impossible, just go through the motions. find a place where if you were to relax you are well supported so all your muscles could safely relax. You'd be surprised how to often in the day we sit, stand, work in positions that have our bodies under stress, bent up, twisted, holding tension ect. That needs addressing. The more opportunity you give your body to be less stressed the easier it will be eventually for it to relax.
Hope you find something to help.
giving up diet coke and absolutely everything else with artificial sweeteners of any sort in has helped me massively. Check everything from yoghurts to ketchup..... more difficult since the sugar tax came in buy I know if I accidentally have even a dollop of ketchup with aspartame or stevia in my pain is much worse 😕
Plus regular levels of exercise help.
Worth a try?
hello, I hope you’re feeling ok. I can relate to the abdominal pain. I’ve had to switch to a low fodmap diet, plus give up all dairy and refined sugar… it isn’t easy, but it’s helping…💙
hi all sorry didn’t reply back Iv felt so bad lately I can’t have dairy due to allergies. Iv tried all sorts to relax an can’t I have Ay 3 year old he keeps me busy .. but the pain I’m in isn’t easing .. my tummy’s settled .. but now been to drs an been put on duloxatine again but had a bad reaction throwing up so stopped it as never had reaction this bad .as on pregablin to .. thanks for all your messages love an light to u all xx