I think this is interesting the two guys Ellis and Becks who founded CBT.
Acceptance and commitment therapy - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Acceptance and commitment therapy

that post is not really by them and the full article is here wuth their quotes. brainmass.com/psychology/ab...
It is not about ACT however and addressing differences between REBT and CBT but that is interesting.
Interesting factors of Cognitive therapies have focused on accepting the circumstances of one’s life, in order to move forward from that point, something viewed as valuable for fibromyalgia suffers.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) acknowledges the presence of suffering in human life.
The interesting factors with Unconscious mind and Psychoanalysis is this type of treatment
explores how the unconscious mind influences thoughts and behaviours.
It aims to identify and resolve any issues that arise during the therapy process, as with REBT and CBT, it is thought that the way in which we perceive pain is a route to how we feel pain.
The term "Collaborative empiricism", which involves a systemic process of therapist and patient working together to establish common goals in treatment. This is something that my be available in your local area.
This is a link to Ellis and Becks Their unique approaches to therapy are, of course, based on their theoretical perspectives, each of which emphasizes cognitive processes.
(Radical) acceptance, for us including fibromyalgia pain etc., seems to be the core concept of ACT, as the name says. I very much agree with that as a helpful attitude and the endpoint of the grieving process, learning to let our old life go and move on to the new one, building up from there. It's important to grieve and accept it, but if we keep stuck in that rut of denial, anger/aggression and/or depression/sadness we can't move on and we stay unhappy.
ACT was developed by Hayes and is based on Skinner's behaviourism. After accepting your thoughts and emotions, it recommends choosing a valued direction, and then taking action...