Hi does anyone else get very irritated by their clothing? If I wear clothing that is in the slightest snug around my waist, I can’t cope. I have to cut labels out as they always feel so scratchy. I have at last found 1 bra that is comfortable ( super soft from M&S) but it was a long search.
Irritating clothing: Hi does anyone... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Irritating clothing

You raised an interesting topic! Anything that comes in contact with my skin is troublesome. I wear all my clothes inside out at home and for outside really baggy loose ones.
Somehow I manage to work around this sensitivity but how to manage my sleep disturbance is beyond me. I have not slept for about 3 nights in a row and my brain is about to implode 😢☹️
Try a hot bath with radox muscle soak before bed , that helps me sometimes with my sleep disturbance. Hope this helps, take care and stay safe x
Hiya Oscarbelle yes it’s called Allodynia and I suffer with it. All my clothes have to be light, soft or 100% cotton. As for labels yuck I can’t stand those either and cut them out!I also find just using fairy to wash my clothes and blankets etc helps too 😊
Wow! I didn’t know it had a name, I just thought it was another annoying part of fibro. I’ll try Fairy and see if that helps. Thanks.
It is one of my Fibro symptoms. It is one of my more stranger ones, I mean it tells you what clothes you can wear. Sometimes when it’s really bad I just become a naturist for the day lol! I hope the fairy improves things for you 😊
Naturist 😅😅😅😅😅 I’m the same in the summer, spring and sometimes in autumn. I get arrested if I do it outside 🤣🤣😂😂🤫🤭🤣🤣🤣😉
Lol see I’m not the only one! A girl has to do what a girl has to do. Strange my boyfriend never seems to mind if I’m having a no clothes day 🤔😂😂
OMG I’d freeze to death 🥶😂
I’m lucky I am always hot I don’t feel the cold. I am unable to control my body temperature and rn I’m typing this sat with the window open, air coolers on in a vest and shorts lol! It’s another story if it’s hot or humid weather! It kills me 🥵🤯
I’m exactly the same!! I dread the warm weather. Nobody seems to understand just how debilitating it can be. Don’t even wear coats or scarves. All clothing has to be cotton jersey(stretch) and very loose fitting x
Wow I’ve finally found someone like me! You’re the first person I’ve met that has this weird Fibro symptom and I’m so happy you posted! Nobody understood how the heat and humidity affected me so badly. I struggle once the humidity reaches 60. I get blackouts and falls and if it reaches the 90s I can’t breathe and my heart feels like it wants to jump out my chest. Lol I struggle to stay conscious on bad days. Do you suffer like this too? Gentle hugs 😊
Yes, I feel like I’m trying to walk through drying cement. My legs become so heavy and my sweating is just way over the top. My husband thinks I’m a loony cos the heat can make me cry
I have not met another person who has experienced walking as walking through cement before. I try to explain it to my family that it is like dragging 10 pound weights.
Warm weather is a killer for me too. Pain is just horrendous and struggle with my breathing ect. I have trouble regulating my body temperature but in colder weather can never keep warm hands feet legs ect stone cold. One thing I find strange though in really hot weather if I get wet through with sweat I get goose pimples and shiver...I too feel like I'm trying to walk in cement and feel extremely heavy then after when I sit or when I go to bed they burn and feel like they are being torn to shreds... strange this fibromyalgia is for sure...
Wow! Just wow! More people who understand this! I've felt alone with this soooo long you all made me cry. Not sad tears though, happy ones that I'm not alone with this freaky fibro one 😱🤗😂 (yep I did copy and paste lol as I wasn't sure how to post to all)
No sweetie you are not alone and never think that despite not being believed by some as my family didn't and still don't to some extent!!.. it is good to know and hear from others of the daily battles that we are faced with and not really having the answers to. Also I understanding support I think is vital for us.. I know exactly the feeling of loneliness in all this it goes with the many changes we have to adjust to too.. you're right it is freaky fibro but let's be strong and face this freaky fibro together and believe me it's took a long while for me to accept it.. awww bless you with making you cry I'm a sensitive soul like that but so pleased they were tears of relief and joy knowing you are not alone. I'm here as much as possible so don't forget that sweetie...
I’m the opposite, warm weather isn’t so bad for me, though air pressure changes are. I can feel a storm coming and can measure it’s closeness by the increasing intensity of pain. I can be almost pain free one moment and the next start having crushing pain. 2 hours later we are having a thunderstorm.
Yep mine is both Heat and Humidity. I never knew until I developed this that the humidity could get so high in the winter. I am ALWAYS checking the humidity before I get out of bed, so I know if I need to be careful or not as I fall and blackout lots on a high day. For example I already know I have to be careful today it is up in the 80's but will drop later tonight. 🤗😊

Allodynia is simply the medical term for something that feels painful but shouldn't be, for example clothes, a breeze, light touch
I can empathise with you all. I have a lot of days when I could dry because of the pain when things touch me. My partner used to think it was just an excuse until one day he got called back to the hairdressers 5 minutes after dropping me off, I had cried out in pain when she began to cut my hair. I wouldn't let her carry on. Luckily she had cut where it couldn't be seen. I have never been back. My hair is longer than it has ever been, I just tie it in a ponytail and hope for the best. I daren't go to a hairdresser again.
We are such sensitive creatures!Even my dressing gown belt annoys me at times. Soft hugs to you.
It's also one of my fibro symptoms and I can now only wear natural materials and also have to cut labels out. I also get weird spots/rashes sometimes when a seam has been touching my skin!😕
That's strange not tags or anything but I can't wear jeans any more if they touch my legs if they a bit stretchy not too bad but when I sit down with them on I feel the pain. Can anyone not write anymore neither with pain in my arm and hand do u get that . X
Find the touch of anything on my skin drives me crazy. It is actually painful and my skin is constantly covered in red blotches in any affected area. Even my arm on a cushion or a chair on the backs of my legs irritates. Let's not mention sleep as the feel of the bedding is yet another reason for sleep disturbance. My hair was also making me itch if it touched any area of my neck or face so now have a number one crop to stop that. I then start to itch and scratch to the point of making myself bleed without realising it. I'm now contious I do that so am very careful. I use a cream called eurex itch relief cream which thankfully gives some relief.
Itchy prickly skin I have all day and pin prick sensations and crawling x
Yep, me too. Couldn't understand why I started to find labels so annoying and my warm winter leggings have a snug waistband so if I want to be warm I spend the day scratching!
I am constantly amazed at how many symptoms I thought were just me and I find lots of you have the same issues! I manage to put up with my sensitivity most of the time (and also have naturist days). It does affect my sleep but have to cope as I get cold easily. In summer I have to sleep naked or I get too hot - I cannot cope with extremes of temperature at all. As for clothing I struggle. Being a bloke I have to deal with the waistbands of trousers, even jogging bottoms are too tight as they are normally elasticated. I’ve tried braces (suspenders) but they irritate too! Shoes are a nightmare - I’m currently wearing a 20 year old pair of boots when I go out as they are the only ones I can wear for any length of time. Goodness knows what I’ll do when they finally wear out! My mind says wear a kaftan and slippers but my vanity says no that’s not how a bloke should dress and I’d feel so self conscious and embarrassed!! I’d love to wear a suit and tie and look smart but when I try I get too hot and uncomfortable. I have become resigned to it now and just try not to worry how I look and be as comfy as I can. Love and hugs to you all x
Thank you I thought it was just a bit more crazy for me
Now I know it’s really a thing
This page stops me feeling less mad
Hope everyone has a good day xx
Comfy place, me too! I appreciate everyone on this site as I haven’t found a group like this for fibro in the U.S.A. To know others experience similar symptoms is such a comfort; though I have to say many of you suffer far more than I do and my heart goes out to you. I have only met a few people who find tags irritating. Why more manufacturers don’t just print them on the fabric instead of putting a tag on I don’t know. At least some of them are doing that for underwear (I think in the UK they are called knickers…) and seams….they are using course, cheap polyester thread for them. And it is so painful.
Yup me too, no labels, only natural fibres, loose fitting.
Hi, very interesting topic and I can relate to alot of these things. I too have stopped wearing anything fitted or tight. Jeans are a definite no go ! I buy a size bigger than I need just to give loose feeling. I have to cut out labels too, as for underwear, well I can't wear bras anymore they just hurt, so I wear soft crop tops a bit like the kids wear ! Washing, I can only use non bio for clothes and the cheaper brands like shop own label are the best, I find the expensive brands cause itching. As for body wash, no perfumed and sensitive skin like sanex. When at home which is 95% of my time now, I wear pj's as these are the most comfy things I have. I'm glad I'm not alone in this but at the same time I feel your pain. Hugs to everyone 🤗
PJ's are my salvation, I get up in the morning to put on a long kaftan, then around 5 pm, I change into fluffy light PJ's that are light and soft which I wear for the evening because my partner likes the flat a bit cooler than I do. Then about 9 pm, I change into my warm onesie to sleep in or to go to bed to stare at the ceiling.
I’m so glad you posted as it’s such a weird symptom. I can’t stand the feeling of the cuffs of any long sleeved clothing as my wrists and top of my hands are so sensitive that it feels like torture. It’s quite difficult in the winter whereas in spring and summer I can get away with short or 3/4 sleeves.
Oh, dear! Anything tight in the cold itches but especially around the bust and waist. One of those symptoms that are easily ignored since I can change into something loose. Have a lovely day.
Yes I have the same the only thing I feel comfortable in is a sports bra I can’t wear a normal one. I mostly wear joggers or leggings as they stretch and don’t feel tight . I hope you find some comfortable clothes and bras. Take care and stay safe x
I am glad to have found this online support as there isn’t anything like this in USA and I’ve been thinking I’m going crazy until now and don’t know anyone with Fibro too. I’ve stopped wearing jeans, khakis pants, chinos, and corduroy pants for past 3 years as I’m sensitive to pressure and find those pants too painful to wear and drive in. Stretchy leggings, loose baggy pants, even under ware that’s 2 sizes bigger I can wear. What do you wear in the summer? I can’t wear regular shorts with button and zippers.
Yep! My skin hates clothes too I wear oversize clothes, I'm currently sat here typing in 2 size 26 jumpers [I'm an 18] and a pair of size 22 joggers.
I had to get over the 'size' label quite quickly - I started off in size 36 clothes while I was a size 24, but now I've got diabetes I can at least shop in regular 'plus' size with the continuing weight loss [Bonus!]
In the summer, the weirdest symptom I get is.... if the sun is out, and I stick my arm in it - I get goosebumps instantly on the bits exposed to the sun. Otherwise it's all the standard stuff like my body inflaming inside in the heat, not being able to move etc etc etc
Non- bio washing powder, soft fabrics, underwhelming underwear and super-sized clothing is now my go to 'look'.
If we had air-conditioning as standard in the UK I suspect I could cope in the heat a bit better. But we don't have air-conditioning as standard over here, and we don't have standard weather here either to warrant it ha!
Does anyone else lie on breeze-blocks for pillows at night - they look like pillows but my ears disagree!
Good luck to all in finding soft baggy clothing that doesn't fall off when we walk!
Yes, I'm a label remover(so was my dad). I've just had to buy new socks as they seem to be too tight. Even very costly ones that I order in men's sizes! Also have trouble wearing thicker trousers because of seams from waist down, at the back. Etc..
I recognise most of the above.I now get epimax wash cream and aveeno cream from doctors.
Use eurax and calamine cream from asda over the counter.
Remove all labels.
Wear all underclothes inside out.
Wear soft sports type bras or none if indoors on my own.
I am going to try tiger balm and freeze gel.
No one understands how debilitating this is when everything irritates.
I have a thick foam type topper on my mattress.
I cannot wear wool products or any long haired jumpers.
We just have to suffer in silence don't we!
Hiya. I'm new to this site and it's my first taste of support for fibro. I'm really glad to have found all you guys. Recently diagnosed. I love all these comments! I have to cut every label out my clothes and have so many clothes with holes in as a result of the emergency ripping situation if I'm out ha ha. As for heat, I'm the opposite - can't regulate my temperature and am always freezing.
Hi, I also am pleased i joined this site, I may not be able to get on as often as I would like but it does make me feel less crazy and totally not alone with either my pain or my weird symptoms. So I get really irritated with anything tight, I'm a size 8 but wear size 12 dresses with legging under, some days even the leggings irritate me but i seem to be able to manage it. When I'm in pain I cant get in the bath, cant bear to touch my skin or move much, I have realised that my skin becomes very dry along with my hair and any friction i make either on the carpet under my feet or rubbing my knees or legs makes me even more irritated. The type of clothes i wear also makes a huge difference. So i think I attract or generate a lot of static electricity and this seems to be where the irritability lies with me, which is separat from my skin hurting, this is like my skin is crawling. I have also learned that polyester which most of our clothes are made from attracts static, along with nylon and a few others, so if i dare to sit in front of the TV with fluffy PJ's on you can give it about 10 minutes before I'm scratching my skin off and irritated to hell so most of my in door clothes are 100% cotton, along with bedding and I try not to wear my boots in doors. I also get the red bumps mainly on my fingers when I'm using the laptop so I try not to be on it much. I do find that moisturising my skin and my hair or just dampening it every day when I cant go in the bath does help, i also spray water into my house especially in winter when the heating is on and go over everything in the sitting room where the TV is to remove static which has built up. I'm still having a little chuckle about Rockgo's comment what he said about the Kaftan, wouldn't life be so much easier if we didn't give a shit about what people thought, Ha. Also some of the comments seem to have a few symptoms of Raynauds which is not being able to tolerate heat or cold and can lead to lumps and bumps on fingers, this may be one reason i get red spots on my fingers it may be the laptop heating up, not sure its a minefield, just helps to know we are not alone. Take care X
Yes I do and it's funny you should bring that subject up as only yesterday there was a lady on my fibro team site I'm on who was asking if there was anyone who suffered with getting a comfortable non rubbing irritating bra she has problems finding one that doesn't bring her out in a rash underneath her bust. Have to admit I avoid wearing one for that reason and other reasons unless a situation arises where I can't get away with it.. my other problem too is like you I find things very uncomfortable restricting ect around my waist and whilst sitting too making me very uncomfortable and gets me irritable lower stomach area in particular.
I couldn't think of the word I wanted to post yesterday to Oscarbelle but today I remember (well I did have to google it lol) After reading all your posts it is for everyone that suffers with clothing - Lagenlook (hint uk) This is my miracle clothing and it comes in oversize 18 - 30 and the materials are either linen, 50% cotton/linen or my fave 100% soft jersey cotton.... bliss (just remove those labels first) 😍 lol forgot to say I'm a size 14