Hi . I would know from you how did you feel when you received your diagnosis. I feel that I need to have a plan to change my life style. …
Just been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Just been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.

At the time I had trouble analysing my emotions. I was told I could only try to learn to manage the condition and I might be able to make inroads into finding treatments that might help but it would not be cured eg learn to live with it. I realised I would have to give up a job I loved and only a year before my husband had had to give up his job because of ill health so it was a lot to process.
When I got the pain slightly more under control I was determined to try and manage the condition the best I could and slowly built up exercise again. I had been very active before becoming ill with fibro so missed the exercise side of things. I also made a few adjustments to diet to try and help me more.
If I hadn't have been a few years off retirement I would have tried to find a job that I could do despite having fibro and would have planned to obtain that goal.
I looked into alternative treatments and decided I would use acupuncture which has helped with the fatigue and slightly with the pain. I asked for a referral to a Pain Clinic.
I hope that you can come up with some kind of plan.x
Thank you so much for your answer. I am trying to process and accept . I will come up with a plan. Reading your message helps me to believe in that..
I find it is much better to be proactive about things. I would be dishonest to say life isn't difficult but I have adjusted enough to get enjoyment out of it. Sometimes small battles can be won and that gives you the confidence to win bigger ones. I wasn't too ambitious at first as I had so many adjustments to make but it gives you inner confidence if you can see you are making some headway even though it might be in small increments. Sometimes keeping a list of achievements helps us to see that we are actually going forward, this is especially necessary on what I call the bad days when you feel you are getting nowhere or even going backwards to see what you have actually achieved.
What you just said is very important.The positive side of life. To do the best that we can, acknowledging the disease but moving forward. Life is this … a challenge
I didn't no what to feel but felt better I new has was confused that all blood test was normal and then it was certain I new It's very hard condition and struggles I find every day what about your self ? Not sure myself on whT to do or what's next x
As my diagnosis was more of a process of elimination I was fairly indifferent when it finally arrived.
I was far more relieved as life threatening illnesses were eliminated than upset when the final diagnosis was given.

Thanks for your words.
When I received my diagnosis I felt fobbed off as hardly any one believes that fibromyalgia is a real thing people are slowly coming round to the fact it’s real but that hasn’t helped me with coming to terms with having something that in others eyes is all in my head It’s hard enough having to put up with all the pain numbness itching and other problems which blight my life and not being able to take pain relief medications due to sensitivity of the stomach (still awaiting IV pain meds halted by covid) doesn’t make things any better. I just pick myself up and get on with life because I have to as I have an autistic child who needs me so I have no time to let it bother me. It’s just really hard when I have flare ups. I hope you have a good support system as I believe this will be the biggest help to any one suffering support is key x
Hi I too have trouble with medication. I found the battle to diagnosis hard but gave me purpose. Small wins and not being too impatient with self. But the world is at best indifferent and at worse s hostile place, if you look 'normal' but have pain etc etc . It's the etc people have even more problems with!
Emotions will probably be all over the place, but with management and a more relaxed lifestyle I sure you will be able to adapt. People on the site are friendly and helpful. It is lowering your own expectation that is key, rest is essential when you feel you need it. When I was first diagnosed I was in a demanding professional job with a young child and large mortgage. As time moved on I had to take early retirement, I will not sweeten it some days I do not want to get out of bed, would gladly sit in a warm bath all day, but if you can keep some mobility it is better. I have arthritus as well and am awaiting a hip replacement so non or little mobility. Swimming is excellent if you can, but being gentle and caring to yourself is the key. Hope this helps anytime you want to talk or even rant this group has been a saviour for me, they understand.
Thanks. I have to find a way to go a swimming pool. Let’s see. I feel that the support comes if you cry for help. Something that I do not like to do…..
Relief tbh, because I new that it was all in my head or that im a hypochondriac, its all real.
There's a UK Fibro group on FB, come in join us on there.
Gentle hugs to you u love. X

Hello and welcome, I think for me personally it was relief actually knowing , then adjusting my lifestyle , I may not always be able to do everything I’d like but I differently make the most of good days, work with the condition not against it like pushing too hard and ending up worse off, pacing is differently key , a good forum here to have a chat and read posts x
Hi .I was recently diagnosed with this condition and I have to say the first thing I thought was not relief but oh no there is something mentally wrong. Which honestly amongst all my other conditions I really thought I had lost it.
But since posting my situation everyone has been so helpful and I realise now that I am not alone nor am I mental. But this condition is a tricky one. It really does leave you feeling dibilitated at times. But like said in other posts keeping active when you can and resting when your body tells you is the key.
I am pleased I have others who I can share and not feel alone.
Sending a big hug x x