hi I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few weeks ago I also have costocondrits I was told fibromyalgia is connected I have been very bad lately and been off work for 2 weeks I only work 2 days 11 hours a week and struggle with that in lot of pain and extremely tired as hard to do anything even going for a walk is hard for me and im very slow my rheumatologist told me to pace myself even on good days which I find as I seem to do more on good days but now realise I cant go on like this any more as makes me feel ill and makes pain worse does anyone else suffer bad with this condition and what medication do you find helps .thankyou
just been diagnosed with this awful c... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
just been diagnosed with this awful condition

Hi Evie2011 , and a very warm welcome to this lovely, friendly forum.
Costochondritis is very common in fibromyalgia sufferers.
With such a myriad of symptoms we're all different, and what medication works for one may not necessarily work for someone else. Unfortunately it's a case of trial and error to find what works best.
The best thing you could do is have a chat with your GP. You could also ask to be referred to a pain clinic if there is one in your area. Sometimes they know more about medication and helpful tips than GP's do. x
Hi Evie,
I’m sorry you don’t feel well and it is an awful condition, but if you can find medicine that works as well as it can for you, it can make this more manageable. As far as the costocondtrits I get the chest pain and bear hug that won’t quit as well!
For medicine I take gabapentin, robaxin (muscle relaxer) and Norco when I need it. They help,but then I get upset about having to take medicine and sometimes try to not use them. I eventually give in when my pain is worse than my stubbornness because the medicine does help. I hope you feel better. I know that being able to listen to others and vent if I need to on here helps, if even it’s just about not feeling so alone when I’m having a hard time.
I find costochondritis the most disturbing of my fibro symptoms. It seems to come on when I'm fatigued but have pushed myself to do more. I've found heat helps--- a hot water bottle held against my chest, another against my back.
Learning to pace is difficult, but essential. I want to go out with a friend tomorrow. It's a fair drive so we'll be out most of the day. I don't feel too bad today so tempted to take my dogs to a nearby NT place and walk the grounds. But if I do I doubt I'll have enough spoons to enjoy tomorrow!
If you search "spoon therapy" or " spoonies" online you'll see diagrams that might help you with pacing.

06 holly berry pacing myself is what I have to do now cfound it hard at first as anyone would i get very ill if I don’t the spoon theory is so true. Costocondristis is linked to this condition my rhumatologists told me not good but have to manage it like you with medication heat pads hot water bottle and rest
U been classified as meeting the pain pressure limit for fibro if it were a condition we would all be treated the same we r not hence the tick box exercise for the fibromyalgia assessment classification
I’ve had fibromyalgia for over 10 years. I personally think it’s been since I was a kid but I was diagnosed 10 years ago.
I had my first bout of severe costochondritis 2 years ago, which was debilitating and made me feel suicidal as it took the doctors 8 weeks to diagnose it, in the mean time, I couldn’t eat, hardly drink and I suddenly got severe anxiety.
I was hospitalized for 7 days to get me back on track. I went on Prozac ( for the pain, who knew, I thought it was just for depression etc) for 6 months, lowest dose. It took away my suicidal, anxious thoughts, that were cause & affect related and put me right back on track. It’s taken 18 months for the pain in my chest, ribs etc to go but it’s gone. Deep tissue massage therapy really helps too.
I have Red light therapy nearly every day also.
Hot tubs are great. Warm flannels, hot water bottles. Magnesium oil rubbed in joints helps. Melatonin sub lingual for sleep. I eat absolutely NO refined sugar or alcohol either. Sugar is inflammation.
I hope your pain journey settles.
I must admit, I’m learning to accept my pain and understanding what the pain is helps too. I used to think I was a hypochondriac for years. Now I know it’s fibromyalgia and I’m not going mad. It’s actually helped me knowing what it is.
I have deep tissue massage therapy for the costocondritis and it’s helped unbelievably.
Hope this helps with the “ bear hug” symptoms.... I’m all too familiar with that
It’s really hard. It took me years to accept I had this bloody condition that really has changed my life. Now I’ve taken my health into my own hands though to be honest, the doctors really just throw pills at me and I’m done with pain relief that doesn’t relieve my pain long term.
So my journey now is to put myself first and understand my body, my pain and do whatever it is I can to manage my life comfortably.
Good luck... 🙏
I do not work!
I am 48 and moved to Canada 10 ish years ago!
I have worked and luckily it never affected my work. I worked predominantly in retail, health food.
I live too far from a city to drive there everyday in such awful winter weather we have.
That’s stressful enough I’m tellin yer!
The weather here does not help FM. Getting cold just about knocks me out for 24 hours!
I’ve had people say to me that I shouldn’t own the pain I’ve got as it becomes who I am BUT it is my pain, my body and I’m living with this condition! Ive accepted it now and I feel a sense of that owning it , is better than it owning me🙏. I’m in control now.
I have pain in my chest, but associated to my c.o.p.d. I will tell my doctor next time as I didn't mention it last time, so thank you for the information. 🙂