good afternoon, I wanted to thank you for your help, I wait for the repair service to contact me, no shower is terrible,
my physical condition worsens, now I hardly walk, but I have to force myself or I become a fossil, unfortunately, for months I have also been fighting with uterine fibroids, they have taken me several times to the hospital by ambulance, for haemorrhages and blood transfusion
Universal credit gives me the money, but after I pay, electricity, gas, rent, water, telephone, I have 300 clean pounds left, which for food, diapers, painkillers, in the end I have to borrow from a friend,not to mention that my daughter is 17 years old and needs clothes, she is good and does not demand, so I only buy things for her when the other clothes are small.I asked for help for my disability, because fibromyalgia, asthma and arthritis prevent me from working, now then with fibroids, blood and pain all month, I feel dying,I am ashamed to ask for help, I have always worked and now I feel useless
then if you count the fact that the fridge is out of order, the phone, the pc is dying, I have no idea where to turn my head. I don't want the government to believe that I am demanding, but I really need help. 3 pounds in the bank and I have no diapers, I lose blood and I have to use toilet paper, which will soon run out, I only have 2 underwear and, I wash one I put to dry, all night, without sleep