Hi all, hope everyone is feeling as well as they can😘I just wanted to ask if anyone else gets palpitations as part of their fibro? I’ve noticed recently that they are more pronounced and I am waiting to speak to my GP, but thought I’d turn to all of you as you are all the real experts of this condition, and if you know if this is another one of many of the fibro symptoms?? Thank you all in advance X
Palpitations: Hi all, hope everyone is... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi there, I would say palpations were more to do with anxiety than fibro. At least they are in my case. I have had fibro for 40 yrs and have never thought of palpations in relation to fibro. I still dont.
If it continues I would seriously speak with your GP xx
PS I see you have left your post unlocked to this community only. For privacy reasons you may want to lock it. Also locked posts tend to get more replies
Thank you so much for taking time out to reply, I did wonder if it was anxiety? Funnily enough I wouldn’t have ever thought of myself as anxious but on reflection I can understand now that it is☺️ and thanks for the heads up on on locking too😃
Early on I did get palpitations. I was trying more to do what I wanted rather than what the F-word would let me. Once I learned my limitations and gained what could be loosely called control of things they have become more infrequent. I am also on junk to slow my heart rate as the more the pain level increases the more the heart rate goes up. So this could be having an impact. It is also not helped by dealing with the stress of the condition. So good luck and take it easy.
The previous statement is not protected under the copyright laws of all countries throughout the world. Country of first publication: U.K. Any unauthorized exhibition, distribution, or copying of this statement or any part thereof (including jokes) may result in no liability and no prosecution. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this statement are real or imaginary. Identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended, inferred or made up. No person or entity associated with this received payment or anything of value, or entered into any agreement, in connection with the depiction of hair restoring products. No animals were harmed in the making of this statement but may have been photographed or mentioned.
suspect you use an email client to pretype replies and copy them in. Your signature has crept in.
I use a notepad app at times
It makes life easier, since I type initially gibberish and then edit until it resembles something coherent and understandable, that was an attempt a humour, a bit flat though.
Hi, yes I get palpitations, but mine are caused by reflux, when acid, or food gets too high in the stomach.

Me too, trapped wind can do it for me too 🙄

Is that collywobbles when your stomach does the samba due to nerves or acid.
Lol, kind of, It’s like it’s all bubbly and won’t break down, and gets too high, it’s in the actual stomach not the belly.
Hi Gownie , To answer your question, “is palpitations a symptom of Fibromyalgia?” The answer is no, it is not listed on the official list of Fibromyalgia symptoms.
You can have Palpitations alongside Fibromyalgia, caused by another illness, or medication etc, so you’re doing the right thing by speaking to your GP to find out what is causing your Palpitations.
GP. 😊😊
Maybe ask your Doc to check your thyroid as it causes palpitations? Worth a try. I have Hashimotos (autoimmune) and palpitations are a classic symptom. 😊
I'd advice you to get it checked out and not accept that it's part of having fibro. I have fibro and have had palpitations on and off for years and recently found out I have issues with my heart. I was referred to a cardiologist for further investigation.
I get them too and has been under investigation but everything is fine. Blue52 and Dizzytwo you've made my day. I have acid reflux and has severe bloating and trapped wind. I even suffered what looked like a heart attack.
I think mine is when I dwell on the condition too much so I do meditation and deep breathing to calm my heart rate down. I also am lucky enough to do Reiki, which helps enormously. Good luck with finding something that suits you. i would discuss with your GP, as well.
I had a virus that led to multiple health issues at once, including fibromyalgia. Around that time, I also developed a high heart rate (over 100BPM at rest and around 130-140BPM during minimal activity, like brushing my teeth). I went to two cardiologists and was eventually diagnosed with Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia. I have met others who have both fibro and IST or POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), so perhaps what you're experiencing isn't fibro itself, but a co-morbidity. I hope you get the answers you're looking for!