Heavy/weak feeling in legs and arms - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Heavy/weak feeling in legs and arms

39 Replies


I was wondering if anyone has a heavy type weak sensation in their legs and or arms? I feel like mine are so heavy and almost weighted down. I have had Fibro for 30 years and recently have been experiencing these symptoms quite badly. It is almost getting hard to walk. Just was curious what any of you experience! I think I may be in a bad flare. Thank you so much!

39 Replies
LoneEra profile image

Does sound like a flare or at least some very unhappy limbs. I struggle a lot with heavy legs. When they’re really bad, it tends to be tight muscles and fascia - so I get my foam roller out or a tennis ball and work as many knots out as possible.

But I’d suggest you chat to your GP first and then maybe a physio. Could be other things that could be tweaked or tried to help you feel better xx

I know what you are talking about, it's a fight to walk

Patdoyle profile image

Yes I struggle to walk some days as though my legs don’t want to work

Cat00 profile image

This is my most common problem, I have it to some degree everyday.

Di01 profile image
Di01 in reply toCat00

Yh horrible from morning to night i have no let up where it gives me a break my arms have started now hardly lift anything or i'l turn in bed and the pain will wake me going insane crazy with it its not getting any better wish the dr would just test me for something annoying u have all these pains yet suffering in silents because drs dont listen :(

Cat00 profile image
Cat00 in reply toDi01

Yup doctors don't seem to have any solutions. I do cardio, I basically grit my teeth, go to a class at the gym agonize through the warm up. By the end of the class my legs are completely released from the pain. By the end of the day it returns to a certain extent, mornings are the worst bit then I go to the gym and the cycles continues....

Di01 profile image
Di01 in reply toCat00

Wish my legs would make it to the bottom of the st i'd of loved to of had any kinda warm up but nope they use seem useless think an 80 yr old can move faster than me atm 🙈aha

Thank you all so much! I am so sorry you have to deal with this symptom as well! I also wondered if any of you deal with dizziness and vertigo? I seem to have it come and go - but sometimes it sticks around a lot longer - so when the heavy legs are already a problem if the dizziness decides to act up - it is quite the time! Again thank you all for your responses!

rocklady73 profile image
rocklady73 in reply to

Me too. After all these years i am beginning to wonder if I have a brain problem. I was told I have small vessel disease when I had an MRI but that is very common. This is f rom my fibro. Flare ups quite common this year. And I can't lose weight just seem to put it on.

Di01 profile image
Di01 in reply torocklady73

This sounds like me heavy legs painful arms now are getting painfull too im sick of going around in a circle with my dr as he just says its stress and menopause since when as menopause stop women from walking because my legs feel like this all time 24/7 keep pushing for answers but after 12 months now im ready to give up :( i just want a diagnosis driving me crazy trying to fight my health issues and convince my dr

JayCeon profile image
JayCeon in reply toDi01

You'd think docs can't get males with menopause as an argument, but they can if they want - one (female...) wanted me to take progesterone and praps testosterone, she cdn't believe the endocrine results coming back negative... LOL!

Mum27 profile image

Same hear I find it hard to walk

Elizahl profile image

Yes most definitely you sound like me I have the same complaint and a lot of pain. For me my trigger is stress mostly financial expecially with my husband out of work due to covid. But we are working on that and he is starting a new job next week. I have been doing physio which helps with the stiffness and keeps me moving. When I get a crash its like starting all over again but it does help. I also got a tens machine off amazon and it is a lifesaver. Epson salt baths help too. I haven't found medication to suit me so just taking antiflammitory painkillers during flare ups and paracetamol. Its not the best to help but its something until I find something else to try. The physio did recommend the pool and just walking around in it and if I feel up to it an aqua aerobics class once a week would be great for me as it has helped others she has seen before. I have yet to try as they have not reopened yet due to covid but it is worth a try when they do. Best of luck on your journey I hope you find the right path for you x

Considering that Fibromyalgia is a problem with the signalling of the central nervous system, anywhere with nerves is going to be affected. So heavy legs and arm with pain is quite within the realm of Fibromyalgia. As always, check with your doctor to make sure there isn't a different cause as Fibromyalgia can mask symptoms of other diseases/illnesses and it's always better to be safe, than sorry.

Di01 profile image
Di01 in reply to

Thanks they dont listen bobbi they think im just depressed or they'l say menopause can cause pains and aches but to point i cant lift my arms hold them up without pain or i have to lift my legs in to the bath one at a time i can cross them and struggling walking on them very heavy and painful in upper hips legs and knees :( tired now too! X

Thank you so much! Some great suggestions! Wishing you all better days ahead as well!

jostafford0 profile image

Yes I get that when my B12 & Folate are low. Worth checking your levels - also check Vit D ferritin. Xx

Hardyboy196457 profile image
Hardyboy196457 in reply tojostafford0

Hi I just read your post how do you get this tested ? My doctors just don’t seem to have a clue I’m amazed how some people have so much knowledge can you give me any advice take care thanks

jostafford0 profile image
jostafford0 in reply toHardyboy196457

Hello - I pay to have private tests done either through Medichecks, Thriva or Blue Horizon. Had many an awful experience with GP’s so I’ve taken charge of my own health. Best of luck - Jo

Hardyboy196457 profile image
Hardyboy196457 in reply tojostafford0

Hi thanks for the reply I thought that may be the case may I ask are you on ok ? I really don’t know what my doc are doing the last year I’ve been telling her I think I have a chest infection etc I need whatever she has no interest & has just been giving antibiotics for a year I also have been diagnosed with fib & urn ( still waiting I was going tk surgery the other week ready tk go no go home then to receive a vioce mail I have a duodenal pocket or ulcer still nothing ) so I have fibromyalgia & tri germinal neuralgia well all sorts I have dihydrocodeine diazepam gabapentin I can not bear it I think I need to tapentadol I am prescribed them I thought I’d reach out thank you 🙏

jostafford0 profile image
jostafford0 in reply toHardyboy196457

Hello - sounds like you are battling a lot at the moment. They wanted to diagnose me with Fibromyalgia and I refused to accept it. I have Hashimoto's and other auto immune diseases and my issues as i found out later were nutritional. The B12, Folate & Vit D deficiencies had caused a lot of pain, severe tiredness, headaches, memory issues etc - I actually thought I was dying. Once I knew what nutritional deficiencies I had I worked on my digestion and supplementing with good quality vits and minerals. I also self injected with B12 for 6 months to get my levels up. I pay for regular blood tests to check my levels and adjust my supplements as necessary. I really hope you manage to find out what is going on with your body - you really need to find the root cause. Best of luck & please ask me any further questions, I am always happy to help. Regards Jo

Hardyboy196457 profile image
Hardyboy196457 in reply tojostafford0

Hi thanks for replying it’s all new to me yes quite a lot actually & so much more you don’t sound like you had a great time either I have never heard of Hashimoto's before ( I will have a look ) so do you mean they do not recognise that & diagnosing you with fibromyalgia? All my bloods they say come back ok I think it’s my gps they really are poor they are just ignoring me I never get to discuss anything I have only just got out of bed now with tiredness & a wicked headache I do take vitamins but maybe they are not what I need so what would be the best way for me ? So how are you getting on ? Thank you fir taking the time

jostafford0 profile image
jostafford0 in reply toHardyboy196457

Hiya - so sorry to hear you are still feeling unwell. I would go back to the doctors to ask for a full blood test (which you've probably already have done) and if you can afford it pay for your own blood tests with Medichecks, Blue Horizon or Thriva. There are quite a few you can choose from and one I used a few times is the anaemia & tiredness check. I've been diagnosed with Hashi's as well as ulcerative colitis, endometriosis, migraines & interstitial cystitis but the severe tiredness, chest, arm & leg pains together with palpitations and throbbing headaches was something else - that's when the GP mentioned Fibromyalgia and I said no way! After paying for my own blood tests I found out I was really low in B12, Folate & Vit D and this is what was causing all those issues. I now supplement with good quality vits & minerals and like I said before I self injected with B12 for 6 months to get my levels up. I feel so much better and all those symptoms have gone. I still have autoimmune issues such as ulcerative flares now and again but I know this is hormonal related as I did my own research (the consultant said they don't know what causes flares). I will never just rely on my GP ever again and always take matters into my own hands from now on. Best of luck you start feeling better soon.

Di01 profile image
Di01 in reply tojostafford0

I took ur advice because my dr still wasnt listen keeps chucking anti depresants at me had a full blood count dont it showed hight eos 7.9 and high mcv 100.6 and low mchc 31 not sure what that means think its some iron related issues tho

jostafford0 profile image
jostafford0 in reply toHardyboy196457

Also, I have experience of depression & anxiety and know that depression & anxiety can cause severe tiredness. My depression & anxiety was caused by my underactive thyroid and once I was on medication for it lifted.

Hardyboy196457 profile image
Hardyboy196457 in reply tojostafford0

Hi Jo thanks again i will have a look about getting blood tests done apparently my vitamin d & b12 are fine??? Well to be honest I never used to rely on them I’ve just got on with it & ate properly &!did some swimming but the last year & half has been hell on top of hell I’ve got lumps on my head from an bad injury ( some are large some small hard feels like bone ) I had pain on my left side for years just a sharp pain on my left side a bit like stitch I kept saying it then before Christmas my stomachs blew up I could barle move I went to a& W had to have colonoscopy & Sigmoidoscopy they then said it’s diverticulitis I wasn’t referred until February I’ve been back to a&e this time they kept me ready for surgery ( I was petrified) I had a mri that night they came round said it’s ibs aswell you can go home to be left a voicemail saying they have looked again & I have duodenal ulcer / pocket I need to gave an endoscopy in the next two weeks that was a month ago my doctors has had 7 e mails sent to them & still nothing I’m getting unbearable headaches I’ve almost been housebound for 6 months I’m astonished how you know so much I’ve got tri geminal neuralgia Jo thank you so much take care

Arymretep profile image

Hi, yes I ve had fybro for many years too and it’s got worse as I’ve got older, I get terrible leg pain now and heavy as you say which I did t have at the beginning, Don’t know if it my age as well as fybro and arthritis, as someone who’s always been a keen walker its really getting me down, I bought a deep massager which helps relax the muscles , it looks a bit like ET lol 😊

Deep massager
LoneEra profile image
LoneEra in reply toArymretep

😂 It does! I tried one but unfortunately I bruise really easily and I looked like I’d been in some horrendous accident after using it!! They can be really effective, though.

veggiefan70 profile image

I sometimes have 'heavy legs' and it feels like trying to wade through treacle. Apart from pain, it was among the first symptoms I experienced with Fibro many years ago, and which prompted me to seek medical help.

I still experience it in flare ups, and particularly when I've pushed myself too far and disregarded my energy levels.

I also have times when I have "Profound Weakness" I can barely walk and have to sit or lie down for a few hours. The first time it happened I had no idea what was happening and went to the ER.

Di01 profile image
Di01 in reply to

Ive been er over 6 times now wih my legs being heavy cant stand for more than 20 mins and walking issues getting in out of the bath i had to lift my legs with my hands even if i wanted to cross them now in pain with hips shoulder arms feels like the pain has spreaded getting annoyed with it :(

Zippy09 profile image

Hi Hidden yes I’m afraid I always suffer with my legs feeling heavy like being in quick sand. Mainly my whole body doesn’t want to work. I get so lethargic all the time and I enjoy a walk. I literately have to force myself out. Sometimes it’s only a short walk as I struggle to get going and other times it’s not too bad. Yours maybe just a flare hopefully. Mine is most of the time coming and going. I’ve had it for years but everyone is different. Best wishes and good luck 🤞and hope it passes for you.

Lovelife3 profile image

Yes, I am having heavy legs I feel like I’m going mad.

army1 profile image

I feel the same it feels as though my legs are made of stone every step is a struggle, my tiredness as got worse. Getting help is not possible anymore and we still have medical staff who don't take it seriously.

JayCeon profile image

When this happens, I regularly put my legs up straight against a wall (arms too), or when I'm on a walk on the backrest of a bench. (Yep, I did a few years of ballet as a kid...) Up to using GABA I had it quite often. It was even one of the reasons for getting everything cardiovascular checked, which was "a very good ideeaa" (who wuz that again?!), - found out at last that the increasing orange spots all over my feet and lower legs are iron deposits (and not age spots) due to not too good veins, and that I seriously need to watch out for quite a lot of things...

Hardyboy196457 profile image

Hello yes I do it has come out of the blue I literally can bar put a leg in front of the other I don’t know what’s going on

Hi,Mine feels like im treading mud with 2 large stones in each pocket and gravel in my shoes like I’m locked in but with constant tiredness and headache horrible

Stay strong 😊💪💐

Di01 profile image

Does this fibromyalgia spread tho i started off pins needles in feet they went then my tops of my legs started getting heavy couldnt cross my legs at all i couldnt walk for more than half hour they would just ache from top to knees had this for a few wks then knees started becoming painful like i was baring to much weight on them a month down line hips aching thought great first legs now hips 2 months of pain in them areas next shoulders neck and arms weakness thought with rest it'l go but it never did within a wk it went from aching weakness to painful just felt like i'd been in a car accident couldnt raise my arms up in the air fully hurt on moving them in any direction they are kklling turning over in bed i've started now becoming less active with the pain going on ive been told it was menopause then anxiety i'm going totally crazy with frustration atm

Di01 profile image

Well neurogolist said ive got fnd 😭 haing a lable doesnt make my condition easier live with

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