I am very pleased to let the community know that I have now been able to come to a mutual agreement with my GP as some of you are aware my GP stopped my tramadol pain medication and did not substitute it so I was left in a great deal of pain well I'm glad to say that after a lot of work on my part complaining to my GP Practice and to the NHS she has put me back on it at half the original dose at least this now gives me the chance to get my pain managed better and in turn helps my mental health as in my opinion when you are in constant pain it brings your mood right down to where you cannot be bothered to do anything Take Care All
Believe in yourself: I am very pleased... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Believe in yourself

Wonderful news so pleased for you. I dont think GP's sometimes realise how debilitating pain is.x

Glad that you have managed to get something sorted out. Hopefully you can now work together too get pain levels back under control x
That is good to hear
It's was strong of you to keep pushing, it's important the GP learns there are consequences with the way they handle people as well as look after your internal organs!
That's good news, I bet your GP had conversations with her colleagues and the correct decision to put you back on pain relief medication was made. GPs have little knowledge or understanding of the conditions and there effects, well done another proactive patient.

Thankyou for updating us, I am glad an agreement was reached to help you with your pain , nobody wants to suffer that way, you take care .

I am curious about the dose your doctor was hesitant about. Here in the US we can safely take up to 400mg a day. How about in UK?
I’m allowed up to 400mg too - but I try to only take 200mg, unless it’s a really bad day.
I was taking 8 tablets of 50mg now I'm down to half that dose and can only have 1 week at a time I think she is being extremely cautious on purpose as non of my previous doctors have done this but I still suppose its a win she did tell me to take ibuprofen up to 8 per day but I had been warned about taking this was not safe because I have a hiatus hernia which I did explain to her however when being in a lot of pain I had no choice but then was rushed to the paramedic at GP Surgery in agony with my stomach and now have to have a gastroscopy on Thursday Thanks
My GP surgery is also very conservative with the Tramadol. They prescribe me enough for 12 days at a time. That’s very expensive and it’s annoying to keep having to chase prescriptions. I also don’t want to be going to the pharmacy more than I need to in the middle of a pandemic.
I’m glad they have seen sense with your dosage. If they try to do this again, I would ask for a referral to a rheumatologist. The rheumy will tell the GP what to give you and they will have to listen!
Oh I'm so happy to hear you not your GP to work with you instead of against you! We need as much help as possible! I'm also taking tramadol! It does work so I don't understand why he's wasn't keeping you on then! So keep your head up and fight for everything you need! Gentle hugs your friend country gal