I have a date for my pip tribunal hearing and its in 10 days! Thing is, its via telephone. Help!? I'm worried I won't be able to get across what I want to than if I was there in person. Half the battle is seeing someone as a person not just a name and body language and seeing me in pain and discomfort. Any one have any experiences having an appeal over the phone?
Pip tribunal hearing via phone! - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pip tribunal hearing via phone!

hello MrsOaf
I haven’t had a tribunal hearing but I had the pip assessment over the phone so I can understand how your feeling. I prepared myself before the telephone call. I had a copy off the questions I answered from the forms in front of me so that I knew exactly what to say as I do get myself flustered! It may be good to have someone with you maybe to give you support?
Your best to get as much information out there as possible but try to keep it to the point. I hope this helps x
Thank you for replying to me. I have the option of waiting for a face to face appeal but in the current climate it will take months. I've already waited 18 months. It just seems like such a big decision to be made over a phone call, doesn't seem right.
Do you think I could have someone with me? Because of lockdown I thought I couldn't but I don't know if there is an exception in this case?
I'm guess I'm just looking for some experiences to go off, hopefully putting my mind at ease.
I hope your assessment went well xx

Good luck for your tribunal, I'm sure I read something recently that you can still have someone to support you even if they are not physically with you - they do it as a conference call . I'll try and find the info again if I can
Hello and welcome, be prepared as others will post, have a copy of your original questions and answers, are contesting the whole award or just the mobility or daily living. If it's the mobility part be prepared for a lot of questions about your mobility issues, making and following a route, driving. The panel will question you at length to determine your answers so have a friend to keep you company during the hearing. If it for daily living again you will be questioned on each descriptor to justify your answers. Good luck and try to remain calm and postative. Don't rush your answers ask for questions to be repeated or explained before making your reply.