Hi all fibromyalgia family does disc degeneration and sacroiliac joint syndrome. and facet-joint are Osteoarthritis,
Osteoarthritis?: Hi all fibromyalgia... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi LiimaY , sorry, I'm not quite sure what your question is. x
I have degeneration of the facet joint which I think is partly to do with osteoarthritis. Hope this helps a little.

I have the same and it is caused by osteoarthritis in my case

Hi, could be Mast Cells - sorry if you knew that already
Thank you, no I didn't know that. Thank you xxxx

Hi, LiimaY if you are asking if fibromyalgia plays a part in the conditions that you mention then I would say no. But I am not sure if this is the question you are asking. If you could clarify that would help.
It is possible that they are not entirely unconnected.
Some (about 50%) of Fibro sufferers are believed to have Small Fibre (Poly)Neuropathy. The nerves affecting blood flow can affect everywhere, including bones and joints and may be implicated in OA. (sciencedirect.com/science/a.... See also Dr Oaklander 'Small Fibers, Big Pain' (Radcliffe) on YouTube.
Small Fibre also links to Dysautonomia and Mast Cell dysfunction (although I suspect that Mast Cells /histamine play a part in many pain conditions, not only for those with SF(P)N) - and Mast Cells are also tied to joint pain and OA (the-rheumatologist.org/arti....
Hope that helps. Best wishes
but we are no where near being sure of that and certainly not anywhere near it being relevant to treatment settings.
I'm sure you are right, especially about current treatment, but I'm not certain if you mean the possible SF(P)N connection or the Mast Cells, (or both). I found it interesting simply as a possible further avenue for investigating underlying causes. (I have issues with both). Cheers
not really across anything MAST wise and not aware of it intersecting with fibro too much although have seen it mentioned. I was more referring to the SFN.
Thanks. It may well turn out that Dr Oaklander et al are incorrect with the Fibro/SFN link and of course it still leaves the other 50%.
SFN seems to have so many possible causes that it seemed worth some thought in case any could be tested for, ruled out or treated. My numbness has certainly eased with B12/folate for example. What I have read so far seems to indicate that small fibre is commonly diabetic but can be autoimmune, like Sjogren's, or medication/chemo/toxic, or B12D/folate or B6 D or excess, copper deficiency etc etc. And the small fibre specialists seem to say that the blood flow is affected, hence connections with POTS.
Something to do with denervation of the arteriovenous shunts permitting blood to bypass the capillary beds, leaving the skin engorged with blood, while the deep tissues starve for oxygen and nutrients.
Best wishes
whenever we have a new player on the block like SFN or cytokines for example we get back to the cause and effect issue or even just a correlation. Is SFN possibly the cause of some of the fibro patients on a spectrum.... possibly but is it possible that some people with fibro have SFN in addition or because of fibro and/or one of its treatments or management approaches.
Knowing it is involved would be a great step forward but we are not there yet but it is interesting. Once that step is clarified then we can see if it causing or caused and then further on can this info help us manage or treat it.
Yes, perfectly reasonable - quite possible that some have both (me, as things stand because no-one has said that now I have SFN I don't have Fibro), and it could well be medication induced in some. Same problem with Sjogren's - there are many with both that and SFN, but having both doesn't mean that the Sjogren's is necessarily causing or caused by your SFN. A long way to go, but interesting nonetheless, (like COMT and whether there are other genetic predispositions and how they interract).
And thank you for the cytokine mention - hadn't previously come across that one and having had a quick look it seems that raised pro-inflammatory cytokines may play a role, including IL6, and I have a genetic SNP for increased IL6 response.
Best wishes
there are some that think that the neuroinflammation may bridge the autoimmune / neuro debate. Cytokines also factor in the FM/a test but again it is an area of interesting research that has still to show promise and be validated.
Interesting, as you say. The Neurologist who just diagnosed my SFN also diagnosed neuroinflammation. And I currently have 1 confirmed autoimmune, 3 that some say are, and 3 more as yet unconfirmed. It is encouraging that at least there is research - hopefully some will benefit, even if it takes time. Thanks again.
Hi there,
Osteo arthritis tends to be caused by wear and tear on the joints, Sports people tend to get it earlier than the general run of folk.
Ballet dancers, and acrobats tend to get it earlier, as they are constantly pushing the joints beyond their normal range.
I have Sacroiliac joint and facet joint and Degenerative disk disease and It’s affecting my neck and shoulders I feel dizzy all the time now and my lower back is hurting all time if Ian sitting or standing laying on the bed every year getting worse any advice please.
I’m the same as you LiimaY, I go dizzy all the time but I was actually called a liar so I would love any other people that have the same problem, do you have oseophytes with your degenerative disc they call my cervical spondylosis 💐💐😊
Sacroiliac joint and facet joint and Degenerative disk disease and It’s affecting my neck and shoulders maybe the neck pain causing dizziness