Hi guys...am new here...I just got diagnosed of fibromyalgia.... please I need help in regaining my health back...
Hi family: Hi guys...am new here...I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hi family

Hi and a warm welcome to our community. Here you will find information support friendship and laughter too. You can find general information on fibromyalgia at our main website fmauk.org
Great...would check it out... thank you...
Hi Michealozed, I’m a few years in and I gotta tell you, it’s gonna be a journey. You will learn a lot about yourself. This aspect can take you by surprise ‘though it’s more like a slow unravelling.
Thank you for your response...I really like to know the drugs I need to start using to help ease my pain and trouble because I need to get back to work...
There are tricyclics and SNRI antidepressants that some people say help. Also Lyrica (off label epilepsy drug) but there’s been controversy about this drug recently. Honestly there is no silver bullet (hence the ‘journey’). Best results come from multimodal approach, eg a combination of exercises, therapies, physical, mental spiritual. You learn to manage the symptoms rather than erradicate them.
..sorry michealozed, I meant unravel like Unfurled, with regards to self-knowledge. Everyone s journey is different but I kind of went through a denial and anger stage before I got to acceptance, and only then started to find things that helped.

Hello and welcome. This is a great forum and a big family of very kind and understanding members, it is very much trial and error along the way, we all suit different meds for me it’s duloxtene and codiene but not allowed that ever day , I use codiene when really needed as some days pacing myself can be better and there will be days when I do abit more activity the codiene helps. Some people manage light swimming , yoga, short walks. depending what levels they suffer with fibro, you will see many of us have other conditions too (oh joy)do you work ? It managing to pace yourself around your day to day living . Hope you find the forum a helpful place 😀

Have you had a chat to your doctor about this ?? I know some surgeries are still doing over the phone chats due to Covid but would be good to arrange a call back as working and not being able to switch off and get good quality sleep will leave you drained . Your doc can possibly recommend something to help, give your surgery a ring in morning rather than leave it another day, I tend to stay away from any caffeine near bedtime sometimes a milky warm drink , sometimes easy listening to music worth a try ,some read until they drop off, for me it’s my iPad and a good Netflix series or film , this extra heat is not helpful I’m finding I do like Summer but 33 degrees where I live today and still 27 indoors tonight,silly but having my fan on I do find quite soothing just extra noise, I’ve also tried on utube relaxation music , sound of waterfalls that type of thing .
Hmm...thanks alot for your support...yea...I do all of those often... someone recommend I use pregabaline...how good is it...?
I personally have never tried that but some members hopefully come along with their experiences, great your trying all these things even if they help alittle I always say, I must admit this horrid intense heat we’ve had in Suffolk has knocked me for 6 ,but friends /family without conditions are struggling too, sooo humid here 🤣last couple of weeks.