I have had this condition for a while now .but my tiredness is so bad and my moods are awful .I can't control any of all this .I feel I'm loosing family and friends around me and it's out of my control is this part of fibromyalgia or is it something else.could someone please let me know.does it get worse. I wouldn't want to be around me. It's not fair on them .
Loosing family : I have had this... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Loosing family
It's not unusual for you to be more irritable, due to the pain, but it sounds as if you may have a quite severe underlying depression along with the Fibro. It's unusual to actively alienate family as you indicate you may be doing.
Please, see your doctor as soon as you possibly can to try to get this addressed.
Cheers, Midori
I agree with Midori your comments made me think that you are experiencing depression and I hope you get the help you need soon

Morning, I would diffferently book into see your GP or Practioner nurse and have a chat, it is overwhelming some days trying to cope with fibro, if you have a close supportive family I am sure they realise how hard it is living day to day with this condition. I was put on medication that has really helped me now, sometimes trial and error along the way, hopefully you can get seen this week xx
Thank you for all your replys I have never had depression before.I never realised that this condition has had so many elements and so server thank you for all your help .
Hi there, I agree with the other members. You sound very low and it would be wise to speak with your doctor.
Of course it is natural to become depressed , angry and frustrated. Dealing with a chronic long term illness no matter what it is will never be easy. It wont be easy for you for your family for your friends for anyone to be honest.
But try not to push your loved ines away. It will only make you feel worse.
Don't blame them if they don't understand your illness. I have suffered with it for 40years and still dont understand it. A lot of doctors dont understand it. So why should we blame our friends abd family for not understanding.
If you do have depression or very low mood everything will feel a 100 times worse. You really need to try and take control and self help yourself where you can. I think if I was you I would try and speak with your GP if you can. There is help but you need to tell your GP how you feel. If your already on medication for your mood swings. Then they need to know its not working obviously. I wish you luck and hope you phone your surgery in the morning
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Thank you I'm new to this thank you for all your help
Hi Yamr. I don’t know how old you are - but your mood swings could be hormonal. It might be really bad PMT or peri menopause - or full blown menopause. If you think it could be cyclical - try keeping a symptom diary. You might be able to see a pattern emerge.
But - whatever - you do need help from your doctor.
Good luck xxx
Aw so sorry to hear you’re having such a tough time. Depression is common with this horrible illness. If you’re like me tiredness makes you irritable too! Are you on any medication to help with your symptoms?
I have been on duloxatin and amitriptyline but I'm told they won't start working untill I have been on them for four weeks.i work full time what is a struggle .Andi think your right it makes you short tempered.the worse thing with this condition nobody sees the physical side and how it drains you and every week is another symptom. Thank you for your help everyone has been so helpful thank you

Duloxetine and amitriptyline are (IMO) the right meds you need, but yes it can take a while for them to start to fully work. Your GP may have started you on a low dose too which may need increasing over time. You should gradually notice them helping tho. Just bear with it for now if you can. I know how hard it is, esp when it feels like no one ‘gets it’. Try and pace yourself and get plenty of early nights and rest when you’re not working. You’re not alone xx
Thank you 🙂
Your GP can refer you to IAPTS so you can access some support: nhs.uk/service-search/find-... Also prescribe some anti-depressants and sleeping tablets. I take Amitriptyline every night and sleep far more soundly now. This helps with moods. When I am feeling angry/ tearful it is usually because I am worn out but pushing myself.
Thank you for your reply I will do .
There is every reason to feel depressed, frustrated, hard done by etc but the only way to manage this debilitating condition is to find ways of coping that suit you, but to be aware that there will be bad days and better days. I was lucky inasmuch as I was retired when it took me by surprise and, apart from the various forms of pain, the worst part is the lack of muscle power in my thighs where I now feel like a rag doll walking through porridge. Fatigue at its worst where I have to force myself to get up and do stuff as I am alone.
What I think you should do with regard to family is try and get them on your side as you need all the compassion and empathy you can get. Do not isolate yourself and do not be hurt and push them away when they find it hard to acknowledge your new state of health. There are very good letters on google which you could download and give to those close to you (family and important friends). Just look up "A Fibromyalgia Letter to Friends and Family" and "An Open Letter to Family and Friends about Fibromyalgia". You can write your own additions or notes, and cross off those symptoms you do not have. i.e tweak to suit you. The second one sounds the right one for you.
I put off heavy meds for 10 years but have been driven to Lyrica and now Duloxetine as my nerve pain has become unbearable (Trigeminal Neuralgia and non stop nerve shocks going through my foot to my toes). Don't be afraid to try whatever DRS suggest. We need help to give us as much quality as possible.
Hope this helps. Take care of your physical self, (pacing is a wonderful coping mechanism) but also take care of your emotions and your relationships. Wishing you all the best in trying to come to terms with the many different aspects of FM but you cannot do it alone. Take care.
Thank you for your reply.its very helpful thank you for taking the time to explain wish you all the best.