Hi just looking for any help or advice. I have recently had extreme pain between my shoulder blades and problems swallowing food (feels like I am choking) has any one else experienced this.
Strange pain : Hi just looking for any... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Strange pain

There could be many reasons for the symptoms you are experiencing, and I would suggest making an appointment with your gp.
I sometimes get the feeling as if food gets stuck - in my case it is due to acid reflux
I have this all the time. I thought it would be fixed when I had an operation called fundoplication for GERD and hiatus hernia but my swallowing issue is still there as my consultant told me my muscles don't work properly, they spasm, I have a cold drink next to me whenever I eat something to get the food down !! I don't want to panic you, this is just what has happened in my case. Has your Dr sent you for any tests ? Take care and stay safe Lynne

Yes I had the same op and experience the same. Bread is the worst x
Yes, that is one of the worst plus if there is a lot of filling on a sandwich I usually have to take it apart!!! Take care and stay safe Lynne

Thanks for your reply I have made a go appointment for next week
I'm glad you have got an appointment. Is anyone going with you? I know I always need someone with me as I always forget what the GP or consultant have said to me. My memory is terrible at the moment, think it's brain fog but our sons and hubby say you've always been like that 😂 take care and stay safe Lynne

Hi yes my Daughter is my main carer and she comes to all my appointments as I often forget what the doc says.Just did the usual stupid thing and put symptoms into google wish now I hadnt
I'm so pleased your daughter is going with you. It gives me a bit more confidence if someone is with me. Please let me know how you get on. Take care and stay safe Lynne
Hello - I've literally just suffered with this! Horrible pain in my back just below my shoulder blades and it actually hurt when I swallowed food. I put it down to the exercise classes I did few days before and thought I'd pulled or torn a muscle in my back. It's taken a week to feel better but it hasn't completely gone yet.
I'm sorry you are in so much pain. What have you taken for it? Take care and stay safe Lynne

I took Ibuprofen & just rested up with gentle exercise such as walking. I did some yoga yesterday and it hasn't aggravated it thank goodness.
That's good. Hope it continues to improve xxxx
Hi, glad you're going to your gp. If your daughter isn't allowed in, phone your daughter when you're in with the Dr and put your phone on speakerphone, that way you'll know she's with you and she can ask any questions you may not think of. I went on a pain management course at St Thomas ' hospital, all of us with fibro had severe shoulder pain and problems swallowing but it's worth getting checked by your dr. You can ask for saliva spray, this has helped me a lot with swallowing and very dry mouth. Hope you get on ok.