Ive try a lot of pain relief but not helped
Need help what kind of pain relief fo... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Need help what kind of pain relief for FIBROMYALGIA

Hi Annie,
I agree with all that Zoonie has said, Fibro pain can be draining; try not to fall into a depressive state with it as many folk do.
I used to get depressed with my Fibro, Now I get angry with it. It hijacks my inner voice and tries to tell me I'm worthless, but I tell it to go forth and multiply! I won't let it rule me. This allows me to enjoy life still, and be Me.
Medication; You may find various combinations don't suit you, make you gain weight, etc. Don't let the Fibro voice bring you down over this, and ignore the magazines and programmes that tell you that you Must look slim and young to be attractive. That is a load of bull. Keep trying with your GP to find a set of medications which suit you.
Attractiveness is not looking like a clone of somebody else, it is being your own person, making your own style, being able to talk your own talk and walk your own walk. Don't let folk pigeonhole you. Be You, and Unique.
Hope this is some help,
Cheers, Midori
Hi thank you
For getting back to me
Ive been have the pain for years it satrted 2000 but they told me January last year that ive got it its so pain ful my whole body aches from head to toes its like someone else sitting on me and it burns all over im so very tried all the time my legs turn to jelly my eyes burn my feet have pins and needles my back hurts when i bend or do anything light ive tryed to do light exercises but my body hurts so much i gave depression and severe anxiety i have severe migraines to and i have learning disabilities too i have a lot of medical problems its hard to keep up with them all
Thank u
Ask your doctor about aimovig. It is a shot you give to yourself once a month and I used to have migraines everyday when I started this shot last year I didn't have a migraine for 6 months and if I ever do have one it's very light and don't usually have to take any pills p
Have you had your B12, D, folate and ferritin tested by the doctor, also your thyroid?
Yeah all low
Have doctors tried you with tramadol? I get headaches with my fibromyalgia. Which spread down into my neck. The pain in my neck is severe. Like a migraine. I often find when I get a bad flare up my neck stiffens. And I am unable to turn it. I can be like that for a few weeks at least. Dr tried me with tramadol for my last flare up. And it eased the pain almost straight away. It was completely gone within four days. After starting tramadol. I dont take all time. It was just to treat my flare up. Which I had had for six weeks. They are very strong. As in previous replies tell dr if makes you feel sick or get side effects. But worked for me.
I was diagnosed in 2004. I like you had a balance problem with my legs. Which I still suffer now from time to time.
And was bedridden for 6 months.
I would advise you to rest but alternate with periods of activity. Move around at different times of the day. It will help. If you dont move you will seize up and get worse.
Hope you soon begin to feel better.
Annie34, I've had Fibro for 30 years and am not on any medication. Not because
I'm not in pain but because I have found different tools that can help with flare ups.
I see a Rheumatologist every so often. Warm water exercise is very beneficial in
comfortably stretching the muscles and connective tissue that are so extremely
tight. It can help with Costochondritis as well. The more inactive we are, the more
we can hurt. Also, overdoing physical activity can give you a kickback the next day.
Hot baths, Relaxation Meditation as well as hot packs can relax the body.
Some people use ice in painful flare ups. The pain is real and I so feel for anyone
suffering from this disorder. At one time, I had Migraines as well as daily Muscular
Contraction Headaches. For the headaches, I had acupuncture, biofeedback,
physical therapy as well as occupational therapy. Finding what works for you is the
key. Sending you a "gentle hug" xx

Hello there, sorry to read that your pain levels have been high, I would differently ring your doctors surgery and ask for a call back from your doctor, trial and error with medications but perhaps he/she can try you on something else, I tend not to use a lot of over the counter medicines from pharmacy like paracetamol etc they really aggravate my system, don’t be fobbed off push to try something else, I hope your doctor is sympathetic to your current situation, take care .
Sometimes I take 30/500 co-codamol, but my doc also put me on Gabapentin 600ml 3 times daily, it's not for everyone, and makes you wobbly at first, l have been on it for over 2 years, but I don't take the full dose unless it's bad, but that said, there are still times fibro wins😞