I just joined this group a few minutes ago but would love the help. I was in a car accident in November and the pain was horrible after having two airbags hit me, but realizing 4 months later I’m still completely worn out by doing normal everyday things like working or playing with the dogs, when it shouldn’t be so exhausting. Since I’m so young a lot of people kind of move over the fact I may have this condition and believe it’ll just stop and I shouldn’t be letting it effect my life. I have been dealing with depression, anxiety, ptsd, and back pain for years, and having constant pain everywhere makes me worry about what’s wrong with my body. It’s so hard to explain (seems like everyone sees it that way) having pain in my hips and ribs on and off all day and nothing helps. Started realizing a month ago my hands and feet were randomly going numb and tingly so I decide to see a chiropractor... apparently I have fibro and have many more blood tests to see what’s going on. After the Chiropractor appt I felt like I was hit with a bus, every part of my body he put little pressure on(pressure that shouldn’t cause discomfort or pain) it was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. With all my anxiety I constantly worry if I’m dying, like if the hip pain is really my appendix and it’s gunna burst, or my lower ribs hurt and I think I have liver damage, or if my chest hurts I may be having a stroke or heart attack and everything turns into the worst. Plus being so young and not really understanding how to deal with all this stress and crying over pain almost everyday I decide to drink to make the pain go away...now I’m in this hole of drinking whenever I can to make the pain go away or at least not think about it. Which drinking and the pain both cause me to be so isolated and not wanting to talk to anyone or I’ll start crying about it.
I’m Sorry about going on a rant but would really love if anyone feels the same way and how they deal with it or how to help yourself to think more positive. Thank you!